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CLOUDFOR 2016 : Workshop on Cloud Forensics


When Dec 6, 2016 - Dec 9, 2016
Where Shanghai, China
Submission Deadline Aug 22, 2016
Notification Due Sep 5, 2016
Final Version Due Sep 21, 2016
Categories    digital forensics   cloud forensics   grid forensics

Call For Papers

Scope and Purpose
As a consequence of the sharp growth in the Cloud Computing market share, we can expect an increasing trend in illegal activities involving clouds, and the reliance on data stored in the clouds for legal proceedings. This reality poses many challenges related to digital forensic investigations, incident response and eDiscovery, calling for a rethink in traditional practices, methods and tools which have to be adapted to this new context.
This workshop aims to bring researchers and practitioners together as a multi-disciplinary forum for discussion and dissemination of ideas towards advancing the field of Cloud Forensics.

Topics of interest comprise, but are not limited to:
* Digital evidence search and seizure in the cloud
* Forensics soundness and the cloud
* Cybercrime investigation in the cloud
* Incident handling in the cloud
* eDiscovery in the cloud
* Investigative methodologies for the cloud
* Forensics readiness in the cloud
* Challenges of cloud forensics
* Legal aspect of cloud investigations
* Tools and practices in cloud forensics
* Case studies related to cloud forensics
* Forensics-as-a-Service
* Criminal profiling and reconstruction in the cloud
* Data provenance in the cloud
* Law enforcement and the cloud
* Big data implications of cloud forensics
* Economics of cloud forensics
* Current and future trends in cloud forensics
* Grid forensics

Workshop chairs
Virginia N. L. Franqueira
University of Derby, UK

Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
University of South Australia, AU

Tim Storer
University of Glasgow, UK

Andrew Jones
University of Hertfordshire, UK

Raul H. C. Lopes
Brunel University (GriPP & CMS/CERN), UK

Program Committee
George Grispos, The Irish Software Research Centre (LERO), IE
Andrew Marrington, Zayed University, AE
Kiran-Kumar Muniswamy-Reddy, Amazon Web Services, US
Joshua I. James, Hallym University, KR
Geetha Geethakumari, BITS Pilani, IN
Shams Zawoad, Visa Inc., US
Olga Angelopoulou, University of Hertfordshire, UK
Vrizlynn Thing, Institute for Infocomm Research, SG
Theodoros Spyridopoulos, University of the West of England, UK
Vassil Roussev, University of New Orleans, US
Yijun Yu, Open University, UK
Ibrahim Baggili, University of New Haven, US
Martin Schmiedecker, SBA Research, AT
Ben Martini, University of South Australia, AU
Hein S. Venter, University of Pretoria, ZA
Ruy de Queiroz, Federal University of Pernambuco, BR
Martin Herman, National Institute of Standards and Technology, US
Mark Scanlon, University College Dublin, IE

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished work which will be reviewed by three committee members. Submission should be blind, i.e., with no stated authors, or self-references. Papers should comply with the IEEE format, and have a maximum of 6 pages; guidelines are available at:
All accepted papers will be published in the IEEE conference proceedings – provided they are presented at the workshop.
Submission will be handled through EasyChair:

Best Papers
Authors of best papers will be invited to submit extended versions to the thematic series on ‘Cloud Forensics and Security‘ to be published by the open access Journal of Cloud Computing (SpringerOpen):

Related Resources

ISDFS 2025   13th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security
IEEE-Ei/Scopus-ITCC 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Cloud Computing (ITCC 2025)-EI Compendex
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CETA--EI 2025   2025 4th International Conference on Computer Engineering, Technologies and Applications (CETA 2025)
ccpi 2025   16th International Workshop on Cloud-Edge Continuum Projects and Initiatives (CCPI)
IWBF 2025   13th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics 2023
CYBER 2025   The Tenth International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems
ICSED 2025   2025 7th International Conference on Software Engineering and Development (ICSED 2025)
ICSEA 2025   The Twentieth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances