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ECMFA 2010 : Sixth European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications


Conference Series : European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications
When Jun 15, 2010 - Jun 18, 2010
Where Paris, France
Abstract Registration Due Jan 22, 2010
Submission Deadline Jan 29, 2010
Notification Due Mar 12, 2010
Final Version Due Apr 2, 2010
Categories    modeling   transformation

Call For Papers


Model-Based Engineering (MBE) is an approach to the design and development of software and systems that relies on exploiting high-level models and computer-based automation to achieve significant boosts in both productivity and quality. The ECMFA conference series (formerly known as the ECMDA-FA conference series) is dedicated to advancing the state of knowledge and fostering the industrial application of MBE and related approaches. Its focus is on engaging the key figures of research and industry in a dialogue which will result in stronger and more effective practical application of MBE, producing thereby more reliable software based on state-of-the-art research results.

* Colin Atkinson, Universität Mannheim, Germany

* Diarmuid Corcoran, Ericsson, Sweden


ECMFA has two distinct paper tracks: one for research papers (Track F) dealing with the foundations for MBD, and one for industrial/applications papers (Track A) dealing with the applications of MBE, including experience reports on MBE tools.

In addition to the technical paper tracks the conference will include workshops, tool demonstrations, and poster exhibitions on these topics.

In this track, we are soliciting papers presenting original research on all aspects of MBE. Typical but not exclusive topics of interest are:

* Metamodelling – foundations and tools
* Model Transformation and Code Generation
* Reasoning about Models
* Model Navigation
* Model Synchronization and Consistency
* Modelling of Requirements, Architectures, Platforms
* Reverse Engineering
* Modelling for Testing and Validation
* Model Execution and Simulation
* Modelling of Service Qualities and of Safety and Security
* Aspect Modelling
* Software Process Modelling, Enactment and Execution

Research papers should be between 12 and 16 pages long, in A4 size compliant with the LNCS paper style and should be submitted as PDF files. Failure to conform to these guidelines may result in disqualification of the paper. They will be evaluated on novelty and theoretical contribution. No simultaneous submission to other publication outlets (either a conference or a journal) is allowed; any concurrent submission will result in the immediate rejection of the paper. As in previous years, the proceedings are planned to be published in a dedicated Springer LNCS volume.

In this track, we are soliciting papers representing views, innovations, and experiences of industrial players in applying or supporting MBE. In particular, we are looking for papers that set requirements on the foundations, methods, and tools for MBE. We are also seeking experience reports or case studies on the application, successes or current shortcomings of MBE. Quantitative results reflecting industrial experience are particularly appreciated. All application areas of MBE are welcomed including but not limited to any of the following:

* MBE for Complex Systems and Systems of Systems
* MBE for Embedded Systems and Real-Time Systems
* MBE for High-Integrity Systems, Safety-Critical, and Security-Critical Systems
* MBE in the Automotive, Aerospace, Telecommunications, Electronics Industries
* Comparative Studies of MBE Methods and Tools
* MBE Technology Adoption, Development and Roll-Out Processes
* Metrics for MBE Development
* MBE Training
* MBE for Legacy Systems
* MBE for Systems Engineering
* Model Verification and Quality-Driven System Development
* MBE and Multi-Domain Modelling Languages
* MBE and Component-Based Software Engineering
* MBE and Service Oriented Architectures
* MBE and Business Process Modelling

Industrial papers should be between 6 and 12 pages long, in A4 size compliant with the LNCS paper style and should be submitted as PDF. Failure to conform to these guidelines may result in disqualification of the paper. Industrial papers will be evaluated on practical feasibility, maturity, and industrial relevance. No simultaneous submission to other publication outlets (conference or journal) is allowed. The proceedings are planned to be published in the same Springer LNCS volume as the proceedings of the Foundations track.

Please submit an abstract of your contribution by January 22, 2010, and a full version by January 29, 2010.

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