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ACM MMSys 2017 : ACM Multimedia Systems Conference


Conference Series : ACM SIGMM Conference on Multimedia Systems
When Jun 20, 2017 - Jun 23, 2017
Where Taipei, Taiwan
Submission Deadline Dec 9, 2016

Call For Papers

---------- ACM MMSys 2017 ----------
The 8th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference

June 20-23, 2017
Taipei, Taiwan
The ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys) provides a forum for researchers
to present and share their latest research findings in multimedia systems.
While research about specific aspects of multimedia systems are regularly
published in the various proceedings and transactions of the networking,
operating system, realtime system, database, mobile computing, distributed
systems, and middleware communities, MMSys aims to cut across these domains in
the context of multimedia data types. This provides a unique opportunity to
view the intersections and the inter-play of the various approaches and
solutions developed across these domains to deal with multimedia data types.

MMSys is a venue for researchers who explore:
- Complete multimedia systems that provide a new kind of multimedia experience
or systems whose overall performance improves the state-of-the-art through
new research results in one of more components, or
- Enhancements to one or more system components that provide a documented
improvement over the state-of-the-art for handling continuous media or
time-dependent services.

Such individual system components include:
- Operating systems
- Distributed architectures and protocol enhancements
- Domain languages, development tools and abstraction layers
- Using new architectures or computing resources for multimedia
- New or improved I/O architectures or I/O devices, innovative uses and
algorithms for their operation
- Representation of continuous or time-dependent media
- Metrics, measures and measurement tools to assess performance

This touches aspects of many hot topics including but not limited to: adaptive
streaming, games, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, 3D video,
Ultra-HD, HDR, immersive systems, plenoptics, 360 video, multimedia IoT,
multi- and many-core, GPGPUs, mobile multimedia and 5G, wearable multimedia,
P2P, cloud-based multimedia, cyber-physical systems, and multi-sensory and
multimedia experiences.

Submission Instructions
Papers should be between 6 and 12 pages long (in PDF format) prepared in the
ACM style and written in English. The unusual length of MMSys papers is meant
to enable authors to present entire multimedia systems or present research work
that builds on considerable amounts of earlier work in a self-contained manner.
Authors who submit very specific, detailed research work that does not require
such brevity are encouraged to use less than 12 pages. The papers are
double-blind reviewed.

Submission Link:

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: December 9, 2016 (EXTENDED)
Reviews available to Authors: January 20, 2017
Rebuttal Deadline: January 27, 2017
Acceptance Notification: February 3, 2017
Camera-ready Deadline: April 28, 2017
Conference: June 20-23, 2017

Organizing Committees
General Chair: Kuan-Ta Chen, Academia Sinica

TPC Chairs: Pablo Cesar, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Cheng-Hsin Hsu, National Tsing Hua University

Dataset and Scientific Reproducibility Chair:
Gwendal Simon, Telecom Bretagne

Demo Chair: Vincent Charvillat, University de Toulouse

Panel Chair: Shun-Yun Hu, Imonology Inc.

Overview Talk Chairs: Carsten Griwodz, Simula Research
Dick Bulterman, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica

Proceedings Chair: Chun-Ying Huang, National Chiao Tung University

Publicity Chairs:
Asia: Lifeng Sun, Tsinghua University
America: Shu Shi, AT&T Labs Research
Europe: Maha Abdallah, Pierre and Marie Curie University
Middle East: Mohamed Hefeeda, Simon Fraser University

Local Chair: Hwai-Jung Hsu, Academia Sinica

Treasurer: Chih-Fan Hsu, Academia Sinica

Web Chair: Anthony Chen, Academia Sinica

More details can be found at

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