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WDSN 2012 : 5th Workshop Digital Social Networks | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.digitale-soziale-netze.de/gi-workshop/index.php?site=callforpapers_en | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Extended Deadline
Call for Papers - 5th Workshop Digital Social Networks One Day Workshop at the annual meeting of the German Society for Computer Science (GI), Sept. 16th – Sept. 21st, 2012 in Braunschweig, Germany. Date of the Workshop: Sept. 19th, 2012 Extended Paper Deadline: April 30th, 2012 Coordinator: Clemens Cap (University of Rostock) Positioning of the Event: After the good acceptance of the 1st Workshop (annual meeting of the GI in 2008) and the 2nd Workshop (GI 2009 in Lübeck), a Dagstuhl Perspectives Seminar, a 3rd Workshop (GI 2010 in Leipzig) and 4th Workshop (GO 2011 in Berlin) took place. An overview of the past events can be found on the website http://www.digitale-soziale-netze.de. This is the call for papers of the 5th Workshop on Digital Social Networks. Topic: Social relations and the resulting social networks are an important basis for social and technological development. With the technologies and concepts of Web 2.0, new digital forms of support are available for a development of participatory social networks. Social Software and Social Media as new form of cooperation systems enable new modes of collaboration. The economic success of portals illustrates the demand for such solutions as well as the difficulty of a proper economic evaluation. From the point of view of the user, questions of privacy, data protection and identity theft are getting more important. Users of several systems need interoperability and data exchange. Besides purely technological questions also topics of media presence in open and semi open forums and sociological phenomena are becoming relevant. With ubiquitous access to human communication acts on these platforms new possibilities for analyzing social networks become possible – up to the prognosis of social trends. Specific Issues: The workshop on digital social networks will analyze these issues from theoretical and practical points of view. Contributions are solicited on these topics: * Social software and “social media” * Social commerce and “social advertisement” * Social search engines and aggregators * Methods for analyzing digital social networks and social interaction * Trust, reputation, authentic contents and social control in digital networks * Applications, services and APIs on social portals * Social networking services in science * Special graph properties in social networks * Regulations and freedom in digital social networks * Technical modeling of social structures * Business cases and economic evaluation of digital social networks * Legal and social aspects of online communities * Social networks and games * Security, privacy, identity protection and media usage in social portals * Interoperability, data exchange and data synchronization in social portals * Personalization and adaptation to user preference * User behavior in digital social networks * Case studies, if they exhibit unique features Program: The contributions shall be up to 15 pages in length in LNI format and present in German or English language original, unpublished research results. More information about the LNI format can be found on the website http://www.gi-ev.de/service/publikationen/lni/. Accepted contributions will be published in a proceedings volume of the annual meeting of the GI. Reports on practical experiences are welcome if they exhibit new or special features, also interdisciplinary contributions are solicited. The goal is a good mixture of theoretical and practical research, each of which will be presented in a half-day session. All contributions are refereed anonymously by at least three members of the program committee. Contributions of the program committee are permitted. . Acceptance Criteria: The criteria for acceptance are especially originality, novelty, innovation, selection and presentation of the ideas. As last year we will again have a Future Network Best Paper Award sponsored by http://www.future-network.at/ Contact Chair: Clemens Cap clemens.cap@uni-rostock.de Organization: Martin Garbe martin.garbe@uni-rostock.de Web Page: http://www.digitale-soziale-netze.de Submission: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=dsn2012 Registration: http://www.informatik2012.de Important Dates Paper Submission April 30th, 2012 Notice to Authors May 30th, 2012 Final Version June 16th, 2012 Program Committee Chair: Clemens Cap (University of Rostock) Stephan Baumann (DFKI) Oliver Bohl (The Montecito Group) Ulrik Brandes (Universität Konstanz) Francois Bry (Universität München) Carsten Busch (HTW Berlin) Ingo Dahm (T-Systems) Nicola Döring (TU Ilmenau) Kai Fischbach (Universität Bamberg) Peter Gloor (MIT Sloan School) Georg Groh (TU München) Bettina Hainschink (Future Network) Andreas Henrich (Universität Bamberg) Ralf Klamma (RWTH Aachen) Michael Koch (Uni der Bundeswehr München) Lothar Krempel (MPI f Gesellschaftsforschung) Friedrich Krotz (Universität Bremen) Thomas Mandl (Universität Hildesheim) Wolfgang Prinz (Fraunhofer FIT) Reinhard Riedl (Bern Univ of Applied Sciences) Martin Warnke (Universität Lüneburg) |