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WHF 2012 : 2nd World Humanities Forum


When Nov 1, 2012 - Nov 3, 2012
Where Busan, Republic of Korea
Submission Deadline Jul 27, 2012
Notification Due Aug 10, 2012
Final Version Due Sep 12, 2012
Categories    UNESCO   humanities   healing   sufferings and conflicts

Call For Papers


The 2nd World Humanities Forum, which is co-organized by UNESCO, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Korea, and Busan Metropolitan City, will take place in Busan, Republic of Korea from 1 to 3 November 2012. It will bring together scholars, thinkers and policy-makers in the humanities, under the overarching theme of “Humanities and Healing,” to reflect on the role of the humanities in understanding the nature of suffering human beings are experiencing today and in finding the modes of healing that might respond to them. The humanities have long tried to reveal fears, desires, solitude and agony in human depths, to understand them and thereby to sublimate them; however, current challenges, such as the widening gap between rich and poor, climate change, and deterioration of the environment, call for new reflection on the role of the humanities in healing. The World Humanities Forum, therefore, aims to rethink and strengthen the role of the humanities in healing.

For the schedule and programme of the Forum, please refer to the website:

Possible topics of papers may include, but are not limited to:

1. Theoretical Discussions on the Therapeutic Role of the Humanities
- understanding the meaning and characteristics of humanities-based healing
- reflection on human sufferings from a humanities perspective
- boundaries, dialogue and healing
- interdisciplinary approaches to healing sufferings and conflicts
2. Reflection on the Historical Role of the Humanities in Healing
- the healing humanities in pre-modern and modern societies
- reflection on various aspects of modern civilization in the context of suffering and healing
- conflict between civilizations and the humanities
3. Practices of the Healing Humanities
- healing practices in the humanities
- humanities-based practices of healing sufferings and conflicts

- Deadline for Abstract Submission: 27 July 2012
- Notification of Acceptance: 10 August 2012
- Deadline for Full Paper Submission: 12 September 2012
- Forum Dates: 1-3 November 2012

Abstracts must be written in either ENGLISH or KOREAN.

Please send abstracts to or +82-2-6958-4252 (fax). Abstracts must not exceed 500 words (excluding bibliography) and should include three to five keywords that reflect the content. Once submitted, changes cannot be made to the abstracts. In case of technical difficulties, please contact the secretariat at

Abstracts will be reviewed by a selection committee. The names of the committee members and the list of selected papers will be disclosed on the Forum website by 10 August. Please note that application results will not be sent directly to each applicant.

Accommodation and meals during the Forum will be provided to the authors of selected papers. Other costs, including travel to and from Korea, should be borne by the participant. There is no registration fee for the forum. For more details, please contact the Secretariat by e-mail (


Full Paper Title (Font 14 points, Arial font, bold)
Author First Name Author Last Name (Font 12 points, Arial, bold)
Organization (Font 10 points, Arial), Country (Font 10 points, Arial)
Presenting Author’s E-mail address

1. Abstract(s) must be written in English or Korean.
2. Abstract(s) must not exceed 500 words (excluding bibliography) and should include Minimum 3 / Maximum 5 keywords that reflect the content.
3. Once sent to the Secretariat, abstracts cannot be edited or modified.

The 2nd World Humanities Forum
Busan, Republic of Korea
1 - 3 November 2012

Application for Paper Presentation

Given Name:
Telephone (+international code):
Fax (+international code):
E-mail Address:
Title of Paper:
Please complete and submit this form with your abstract by 27 July 2012

Secretariat for the World Humanities Forum
Address: 26 UNESCO Road, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea, 100-810
Tel: +82 2 6958 4275/4277 Fax: +82 2 6958 4252

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