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CLDA 2012 : Workshop on Collaborative Learning as Design Activity


When Oct 14, 2012 - Oct 14, 2012
Where Copenhagen, Denmark
Submission Deadline Aug 20, 2012
Notification Due Sep 1, 2012
Final Version Due Sep 28, 2012
Categories    collaborative learning   design   wiki   end user development

Call For Papers

Workshop on Collaborative learning as design activity

In conjunction with NordiCHI 2012, October 14, Copenhagen, Denmark

The general themes are Interfaces supporting learning and Empirical studies of active learners, and more specifically Wiki-inspired collaborative learning systems that combine the best ideas of visual models, end-user modifiable interfaces and collaborative inquiry environments.

Interactive learning environments invite a broad spectrum of participation. On one end of are interactive models of complex phenomena. For example in science learning, simulations of natural and artificial (mechanical, electrical, etc.) phenomena can be an effective way to represent complex relationships underlying a scientific law. On the other end, social learning environments stimulate discussion of ideas and clarification of issues by a process of collaborative inquiry, often guided by more knowledgeable people (e.g. teachers, mentors, and parents). Whereas individual learning refers to the difference between what a learner can perform independently compared to what he or she previously could perform only by guidance (“knowledge in the head”), social learning refers to what a group of learners can produce together as well as the process leading up to it (“knowledge in the world”).

Social media have enabled interactive learning environments to more fully reach the “social end” of the spectrum, whereas advances in user interface and interaction techniques for ubiquitous computing and mobile devices have improved access to and manipulation of models of scientific phenomena. It is when users become content producers and not merely consumers of information and the power and control are shifted from designated experts to a broader network of competent practitioners that the learning potential of social media will be fully realized. Thus, we feel that by combining interactive models with social sharing (or applying wiki principles to interactive learning environments) may prove invaluable in designing collaborative learning systems. In other words we aim for multiple perspectives on collaborative learning as a design activity.

QUESTIONS TO BE EXPLORED (including but not limited to)
--What types of interactive learning environments can stimulate productive learning?
--How to leverage libraries of reusable learning components (from learning objects to apps)
--What are the strengths and weaknesses of Wiki-based environments as model for integrated learning environments?
--What should be the level of abstraction of a graphical model to stimulate agency, and to what extent should the models be informed by theory and principles?
--How to view learning as a design process and leverage previous work on design to create new models of inquiry learning
--What should be the “unit of design” of a design-inspired learning process?

--Common themes for project proposals at the Nordic (e.g. Nordforsk) and European levels (e.g. Horizon 2020), international cross-collaboration, but also towards national funding agencies that invite international cooperation
--Creating a network of researchers with the aim to publish a collection of papers in a special issue of a reputable journal.

-- Deadline for short/positions papers: August 20th, 2012
-- Notification of acceptance: September 1st, 2012

--Anders Kluge, InterMedia, University of Oslo, Norway
--Teemu Leinonen, Media Lab, Alto University, Finland
--Anders Mørch, InterMedia, University of Oslo, Norway
--Li Zhu, Department of Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

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