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Shikakeology 2013 : AAAI 2013 Spring Symposium on Shikakeology: Designing Triggers for Behavior Change


When Mar 25, 2013 - Mar 27, 2013
Where Stanford, California, USA
Submission Deadline Oct 5, 2012
Notification Due Nov 2, 2012
Final Version Due Jan 18, 2013
Categories    artificial intelligence   psychology   design   engineering

Call For Papers

How do you trigger learning by seeing?
How do you encourage eco-conscious behaviors?
How do you trigger health awareness?
How do you encourage crime prevention?

Shikake is a Japanese word that represents physical and/or psychological trigger for implicit or explicit behavior change to solve problems. The aim of this workshop is to gain a holistic understanding of Shikake, i.e.: Shikake principles, Behavior change triggers, Sustained behavior change, Case studies, Approaches to design simple and complex Shikake.

The merits of Shikakeological approach are summarized by four points; low expertise, low cost, wide range of target users, and long term continuous behavior changes. Developing a Shikake can be easier and less expensive than developing complicated engineering mechanism. These advantages allow people to use the Shikake approach to address immediate problems without requiring specific expertise.

Another Shikake objective is to induce spontaneous behavior. When people feel controlled or forced by someone or something to do something, they never do that again. On the other hand, if people desire and enjoy changing their behavior, they would do it repeatedly. Shikake aims to change behavior through a continuous engagement and transformation process.

The goal of Shikakeology is to codify the cause and effect of Shikake cases from physical and/or psychological points of view, and to establish a Shikake design methodology. To achieve this goal, this workshop invites Shikake studies to share the knowledge, methods, experiments and findings that demonstrate triggers that motivate people and lead to behavior changes.

The workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who focus on Shikake design. We expect to encourage and exchange ideas and perceptions through the workshop. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Artificial Intelligence for behavior change
- Artifact Design for behavior change
- Psychological Design for behavior change
- Affordance for behavior change
- The Fun Theory for behavior change
- Nudge for behavior change
- Game Mechanics for behavior change
- Persuasive Technology for behavior change
- User Experience Design for behavior change
- Marketing for behavior change
- Case studies of behavior change

We invite papers that present new approaches to behavior change which are related or contribute to the study of Shikake. Case studies of behavior change and innovative new Shikake concepts are welcome.

Naohiro Matsumura (Osaka University), Renate Fruchter (Stanford University)

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