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5G for URLLC 2018 : 5G for Ultra-Reliable Low latency Communications | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.comsoc.org/netmag/cfp/5g-ultra-reliable-low-latency-communications | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
5G is envisaged to expand and support diverse usage scenarios and applications with respect to current mobile network generations. The agreed scenarios for 5G include: “Enhanced mobile broadband” addressing human-centric use cases for access to multimedia content, services and data; “Ultra-reliable-low latency communications” with strict requirements, especially in terms of latency and reliability; and “Massive machine type communications” for a very large number of connected devices and typically transmitting a relatively low volume of non-delay-sensitive information. In the enhanced Mobile Broadband scenario, the user experienced data rate (from 100 Mbit/s, in urban and sub-urban areas, to 1 Gbit/s, in indoor cases) – defined as achievable data rate that is available ubiquitously across the related considered target coverage area to a mobile user/device – has the highest importance, especially in hotspots. In the massive machine type communication scenario, the high connection density (up to 106/km2), very high link budget as well as long battery life time are the most important parameter. For the ultra-reliable low latency communication scenarios, low latency (ms level) and reliability (five nines, and beyond) together with zero mobility interruption gab are of highest importance, e.g. in order to connect cars, in some high mobility cases, drones or mobile service robots. This feature topic aims at presenting the most relevant scenarios, prominent research outcomes and state-of-the-art advances of 5G related to ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC). Only technical papers describing previously unpublished, original, state-of-the-art research, and not currently under review by a conference or a journal will be considered. Specifically, this issue welcomes two categories of papers: 1) invited articles from qualified experts, and 2) contributed papers from open call with list of addressed topics. We solicit papers in a variety of topics related to 5G for URLLC. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: • Waveforms and multiple access techniques for URLLC • Software Defined Air Interface for URLLC • Protocol stack restructure and procedures for URLLC • Security, encryption, coding trade off with URLL requirements • Ultra fast signal processing technologies and architectures • Diversity, coding and redundancy techniques for URLLC • Interference mitigation and management techniques for URLLC • Mobility and handoff control with zero interruption gab • Coverage improvement techniques for URLLC • Spectrum aspects of URLLC – carrier frequency and spectrum requirements • Network slicing and network functions virtualization – with focus on URLLC • Mobile edge computing – with focus on URLLC • Service and QoE provisioning techniques - with focus on URLLC • Use case applications and requirements for URLLC. • Testbeds and experimentations of URLLC • Simulation tools, methodologies, and performance evaluations of URLLC SUBMISSIONS Submitted papers should not be under consideration elsewhere for publication and the authors must follow the IEEE Network guidelines regarding manuscript content and format for preparation of the manuscripts. For details, please refer to the “Author Guidelines” at the IEEE Network Web site at http://www.comsoc.org/netmag/author-guidelines. Authors must submit their manuscripts via the IEEE Network manuscript submission system at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/network-ieee. All papers will be reviewed by at least three (3) reviewers for their technical merit, scope, and relevance to the CFP. IMPORTANT DATES • Manuscript Submission: August 25, 2017 (NB: Extended Deadline) • First Revisions/Reject Notification: October 15, 2017 • Notification of Acceptance: December 15, 2017 • Final Manuscript Due: January 15, 2018 • Publication: March 2018 GUEST EDITORS Pr. David Soldani (Corresponding Editor) Nokia, Germany; UTS, Australia David.Soldani@nokia.com Pr. Y. Jay Guo UTS, Australia Jay.Guo@uts.edu.au Bernard Barani European Commission, Belgium Bernard.Barani@ec.europa.eu Pr. Preben Mogensen Nokia, Denmark preben.mogensen@nokia.com Chih-Lin I CMCC, China icl@chinamobile.com Pr. Sajal Das MST, USA sdas@mst.edu |