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Making visible 2011 : Making visible the invisible: Data Visualisation in Art, Design and Science Collaborations


When Mar 10, 2011 - Mar 11, 2011
Where Huddersfield, UK
Submission Deadline Dec 6, 2010
Notification Due Dec 20, 2010
Final Version Due Feb 16, 2011
Categories    visualisation   sustainability   ecology

Call For Papers

In recent years numerous visualisations involving scientific data and scientific themes have emerged from interdisciplinary collaborations between artists, scientists and designers. Works reach across diverse media, ranging from applied screen-based applications to experimental physical installations. While some are intended to inform by making the complex and abstract clear and visual, others focus on the aesthetic quality of the experience. What many of the works have in common is being the outcome of collaboration across disciplines.

This event seeks not only to contribute to the debate around data visualisation but also to a better understanding of what makes interdisciplinary collaborations successful. We wish to provide a platform for open dialogue and discussion across disciplinary cultures and seek a better understanding of the critical requirements for interdisciplinary collaboration. We ask what are the most fruitful conditions for interdisciplinary collaboration? How can trans-disciplinary understanding be best facilitated?

We are seeking contributions that advance the state of data visualisation through interdisciplinary collaborations. In particular approaches which include:

- Sensual, aesthetic, poetic and conceptual approaches
- The role of inter-, trans-, or meta-disciplinary collaboration
- Methods, case studies or frameworks that facilitate dialogue and exchange across disciplines
- Themes around sustainability, ecological literacy or climate change
- Physical installations that transcend screen-based modalities
- Sonic visualisation and sonification
- Interactive and immersive visualisation,
- Affective visualisation (real time representation of affective data)
- Aesthetic and semantic investigation of data sets
- Novel interfaces for navigation of data
- Human statistical data (such as bio-signal, biological, birth-rates, energy consumption)
- Astrophysical and cosmological data and simulations (such as solar wind, cosmic radiation, planetary motions, large scale structures, N-body simulations, gravitational waves)
- ‘Displays’ that make use of natural forces such as light, water, fog, wind etc. as outputs
- Pollution and environmental data (weather, gravity, volcanoes, earthquakes)
- Visualisation / mappings of complex networks or processes
- Live data (local and remote)
- Neuro-plastic applications
- Open APIs, open platforms, open formats, open hardware

Other relevant works concerning the processes of interdisciplinary exchange and scientific data visualisation not directly included in the above categories are also welcome for submission.

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