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MuCoCoS 2012 : 5th International Workshop on Multi-Core Computing Systems


When Nov 16, 2012 - Nov 16, 2012
Where Salt Lake City, Utah
Submission Deadline Sep 16, 2012
Notification Due Oct 14, 2012
Categories    parallel computing

Call For Papers

Paper submission deadline: September 16, 2012 (firm deadline)
5th International Workshop on
Multi-Core Computing Systems (MuCoCoS)
2012 Focus: Performance Portability and Tuning

Salt Lake City, Utah, November 16, 2012
In conjunction with the Supercomputing Conference SC12

Workshop proceedings are published by the IEEE


The pervasiveness of homogeneous and heterogeneous multi-core and
many-core processors, in a large spectrum of systems from embedded and
general-purpose to high-end computing systems, poses major challenges
to software industry. In general, there is no guarantee that software
developed for a particular architecture will be executable (that is
functional) on another architecture. Furthermore, ensuring that the
software preserves some aspects of performance behavior (such as
temporal or energy efficiency) across different such architectures is
an open research issue.

Therefore, this workshop focuses on novel solutions for functional and
performance portability as well as automatic tuning across different

Following the successful organization of MuCoCoS 2008 (Barcelona,
Spain), MuCoCoS 2009 (Fukuoka, Japan), MuCoCoS 2010 (Krakow, Poland),
MuCoCoS 2011 (Seoul, Korea), this year MuCoCoS will be organized at
Salt Lake City, Utah, November 16, 2012, in conjunction with the
Supercomputing Conference SC12. MuCoCoS 2012 focuses on Performance
Portability and Tuning.


- The topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:

:: Performance measurement, modeling, analysis and tuning
:: Portable programming models, languages and compilation techniques
:: Tunable algorithms and data structures
:: Run-time systems and hardware support mechanisms for auto-tuning
:: Case studies highlighting performance portability and tuning


- The papers should be prepared using the IEEE format, and no longer
than 10 pages. Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on
originality, significance to workshop topics, technical soundness, and
presentation quality.

- Submission of the paper implies that should the paper be accepted, at
least one of the authors will register and present the paper at the
workshop. Papers will be published as a part of the SC12 digital
proceedings. These are IEEE digital library proceedings that will be
available online.

- Please submit your paper (as PDF) electronically using the online
submission system.


Authors of the best MuCoCoS papers will be invited to submit their extended workshop papers to a special issue of Computing journal (© Springer) that will be developed for this workshop.


- Submission: September 16, 2012 (firm deadline)
- Notification: October 14, 2012
- Registration: October 17, 2012
- Workshop: November 16, 2012


- Sabri Pllana, University of Vienna, Austria
- Jacob Barhen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US


- Marco Aldinucci, University of Torino, Italy
- Eduard Ayguade, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain
- Beverly Bachmayer, Intel, Germany
- David A. Bader, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Siegfried Benkner, University of Vienna, Austria
- Grigori Fursin, INRIA Saclay, France
- Kevin Hammond, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK
- Christoph Kessler, Linköping University, Sweden
- Pierre Michaud, IRISA/INRIA, France
- Raymond Namyst, INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France
- Lasse Natvig, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
- Gregory D. Peterson, University of Tennessee, USA
- Mitsuhisa Sato, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Sameer Shende, University of Oregon, USA

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