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HiCOMB 2013 : 12th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology


When May 20, 2013 - May 20, 2013
Where Boston, MA, USA
Submission Deadline Dec 21, 2012
Notification Due Feb 4, 2013
Final Version Due Feb 15, 2013
Categories    high performance computing   computational biology   bioinformatics

Call For Papers

12th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology

HiCOMB 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

High-performance computing became an integral part of research and development
in bioinformatics and computational biology. The large size of biological data
sets, inherent complexity of biological problems and the ability to deal with
error-prone data, all result in large run-time and memory requirements. The
goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussion of latest research
in developing high-performance computing solutions to data-intensive and
compute-intensive problems arising from molecular biology and related life
sciences areas. We are especially interested in parallel and distributed
algorithms, memory-efficient algorithms, large scale data mining techniques,
including approaches for Bigdata and cloud computing, algorithms on multicores
and GPUs, and design of high-performance software for biological applications.

The workshop will feature contributed papers as well as invited talks from
reputed researchers in the field.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

* Bioinformatic databases
* Computational genomics and metagenomics
* Computational proteomics and metaproteomics
* DNA assembly, clustering, and mapping
* Gene expression analysis with RNASeq and microarrays
* Gene identification and annotation
* Parallel algorithms for biological sequence analysis
* Parallel architectures for biological applications
* Molecular evolution and phylogenetic reconstruction algorithms
* Protein structure prediction and modeling
* Next Generation sequence data analysis
* Parallel algorithms in chemical genetics and chemical informatics
* High performance algorithms for systems biology
* Cloud-enabled solutions for computational biology

Important Dates:

* Workshop papers due: December 21, 2012
* Authors notification: February 4, 2013
* Camera-ready papers due: February 15, 2013

Workshop Co-chairs:

* David Bader, Georgia Institute of Technology
* Srinivas Aluru, Iowa State University

Program Chair:

* Jaroslaw Zola, Iowa State University

Program Committee:

* Pratul K. Agarwal - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
* Mario Cannataro - University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Italy
* Umit Catalyurek - Ohio State University
* Mark Clement - Brigham Young University
* Scott Emrich - University of Notre Dame
* Mathieu Giraud - University of Lille, France
* Ananth Kalyanaraman - Washington State University
* Marta Kasprzak - Poznan University of Technology, Poland
* Ben Langmead - Johns Hopkins University
* Alba Cristina M.A. de Melo - University of Brasilia, Brazil
* Folker Meyer - Argonne National Laboratory
* Olga Nikolova - Iowa State University
* Fahad Saeed - National Institutes of Health
* Bertil Schmidt - Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
* Carlos P. Sosa - University of Minnesota
* Alexandros Stamatakis - HITS gGmbH, Germany
* Michela Taufer - University of Delaware
* Tiffani L. Williams - Texas A&M University
* Xiao Yang - Broad Institute

Official HiCOMB web page:

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