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r2ose 2010 : 1st International Workshop on Research 2.0 and Software Engineering | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://planet-research20.org/r2ose2010 | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
1st International Workshop on RESEARCH 2.o and SE http://planet-research20.org/r2ose2010 ===================================== Malaga, Spain, 28 June With TOOLS 2010 Federated Conferences = Call For Papers and Web 2.0 contributions = CONTEXT Research 2.o (aka e-Science or e-Research) refers to new approaches, techniques and tools to support collaborative research efforts taking profit of new Information Technologies. From an historical point of view, Research 2.o can be considered as an evolution of Small Research and then Big Research. In terms of goals, Research 2.o lies however between Small and Big Research: through unprecedented means of connectivity, computing power, storage space, and tool versatility/flexibility, Research 2.o adds scalability to Small Research but also agility to Big Research. Simply put, R2.o allows emerging and agile groups of researchers to communicate, collaborate, share scientific information and scientific tools in new modes. This impacts not only the way research is done, but also on how research is perceived and managed. In practice, Research 2.o corresponds to the progressive emergence of new scientific repositories, new scientific networks, new research products (including new form of “publications”), new research processes, etc. It is likely that this will lead in the future to new evaluation schemes and new research policies. Though Research 2.o should be considered as a medium to long term vision in an historical perspective, short term vision are also of interest. In fact current practices already exibit some R2.o flavors. For instance Web 2.o technologies such as blogs, wikis, social networks and twitter already have an impact on collaborative research. We can only expect this impact to grow in the future. Interestingly, in the last couple of years, Research 2.o has received much more attention in disciplines such as Physics, Biology, Mathematics or Social Sciences than in Computer Science. Building on the great success of the IBM CASCON workshop on Research 2.o and Software Engineering 2.o (http://planet-research20.org/ser2009), this workshop aims to further explore how Research 2.o could benefit the Software Engineering (SE) community and vice versa. OBJECTIVES Collaborative research appears to be a must for significant advances in any field, and this naturally include SE. This is testified for instance by the SWEBOK and SEMAT initiatives (http://swebok.org and http://semat.org). Additionally, because of its nature, software is a kind of “borned-digital data”, one of the important conditions for successful Research 2.0. For instance, software repositories such as sourceforge.org provide good opportunities to collaborative and experimental research. We believe indeed that R2.o is likely to have a strong impact in the future of Software Engineering Research. This workshop has the following goals: * (G1) to investigate the many different facets that constitute the intersection between Research 2.0 and Software Engineering; * (G2) to investigate which experiences led in other scientific disciplines could be applied to the field of SE, * (G3) to increase the awareness and promote the importance of Research 2.0 among the SE community; * (G4) to establish a roadmap for further collaborative actions; * (G5) to consolidate a map of available research 2.0 entities (e. g. books, tools, events, articles, PhDs, communication channels, web sites, teams, researchers, etc); * (G6) to promote collaborations between SE researchers and other R2.o researchers, * (G7), to promote the integration between tools and repositories for software engineering research. As a fluid event, in situ synchronous activities (G1-G4) will be complemented by pre and post asynchronous on-line activities (G5-G7). TOPICS Additionally to the topics mentioned above, topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to: * Integrated Research Environment (IRE) and personal research portfolio, * Collaborative and distributed repositories of software artifacts or information about research eco-systems. * Techniques and tools for on-line demonstration, collaborative experimentation, collection and archiving of research information, etc. * Interoperability and standardization of research repositories, tools, platforms, and standards for research collaborations * Mining research repositories, analysis of software engineering communities and their history * Ontologies and classifications of software engineering fields and their evolution * Usage/development of Web 2.0 tools for the software engineering research community * Concepts and techniques that goes beyond the notion of Software Engineering “publications” * Analysis of R2.0 success stories or failures (in SE but also in other fields) including lessoned learned and recommendation. * Social, political, economical and ethical analysis of past and/or current research practices and recommendations for the future Contributions that are not related directly to the SE community are very welcomed, especially if special attention is be paid to make the context of the work explicit, and to describe how experiences/results/lessons learned could be of interest for the SE community. SUBMISSIONS Four categories of contributions will be considered in the context of R2oSE 2010 workshop. * Regular papers (up to 10 pages) giving a full treatment of a technical or non technical Research 2.0 subject. * Short position paper (up to 5 pages). Novel and controversial ideas related to the current state or future of research are very welcome. * Short demonstration paper (up to 5 pages) of exiting R2.o tools. The three categories mentioned above, which follow the research 1.0 tradition, will be carefully evaluated by at least three members of the program committee, as in any other traditional research R1.0 events. In the context of this Research 2.0 event, we also solicit and strongly encourage * On-line submissions through the web site of the workshop and the planet-research20.org portal, and this before and after the workshop. These on-line submissions will be commented and rated by participants of the workshop and registered members of the research20 community. In particular, authors who do not have the budget or time to attend in flesh the workshop but still want to participate on-line before and after the workshop will be able to submitted blog posts addressing the topics of the workshop or comment existing posts. A summary of the blog posts/comments will be presented at the workshop, on behalf of the authors that where unable to join. A special prize will attributed to the authors of the best on-line contribution. We envision to produce a collaborative publication in the form of a manifesto for Research 2.0 in Software Engineering IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission deadline: April 20, 2010 Face-to-face Workshop: June 28, 2010 Note that web 2.0 interactions before and after the workshop are strongly encouraged. FOR MORE INFORMATION ... ... see http://planet-research20.org/r2ose2010 |