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PARMA 2013 : The 4th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures


When Jan 23, 2013 - Jan 23, 2013
Where Berlin, Germany
Submission Deadline Oct 30, 2012
Notification Due Nov 30, 2012
Final Version Due Dec 15, 2012
Categories    parallel programming   parallel processing   embedded systems   computer architecture

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

The 4th Workshop on Parallel Programming and
Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures
PARMA 2013
Co-located with HiPEAC 2013
Berlin, Germany, January 23, 2013

October 30, 2012: Paper submission deadline (EXTENDED)
November 30, 2012: Notification of the authors
December 15, 2012: Final version of accepted papers for
workshop proceedings
January 23, 2013: Workshop

Scope of the Workshop
The current trend towards many-core architecture requires a global rethinking of software and hardware design. The PARMA workshop focuses on parallel programming models, design space exploration and run-time resource management techniques to exploit the features of many-core processor architectures.

The PARMA workshop will have four main topics:

T1: Programming models and languages, compilers and virtualization techniques
T2: Runtime management, power management and memory management
T3: Design space exploration and many-core architecture customization
T4: Parallel applications for many-core platforms

Information for Authors
Papers should be submitted electronically through the workshop website. Submissions should be formatted according to the IEEE conference style, and limited in length to up to 6 pages. Submissions should indicate the topic and should be in pdf format. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a special issue of an the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS),

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