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WICERT 2013 : Workshop on Industry-Driven Approaches for Cost-effective Certification of Safety-Critical, Mixed-Criticality Systems | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://atc.ugr.es/wicert/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
================================================================================ International Workshop on Industry-Driven Approaches for Cost-effective Certification of Safety-Critical, Mixed-Criticality Systems (WICERT 2013) http://atc.ugr.es/wicert Grenoble, France, March 22, 2013 In conjunction with the International Conference DATE: Design, Automation & TEst in Europe http://www.date-conference.com/ ================================================================================ Increased complexity of embedded systems implies high certification costs to comply with functional safety standards and regulations. The use of technologies such as for example multi-core and FPGA is particularly a challenge in mixed-criticality configurations. Mixed criticality is the concept of allowing applications at different levels of criticality to interact and co-exist on the same computational platform. In a mixed-criticality system, low-critical and high-critical applications coexist and must therefore share processing time in a safe way. Unfortunately, certification of such systems is more difficult, because it requires that even the components of less criticality be certified at the highest criticality level. This workshop aims to present and evaluate different industry-driven approaches for reducing certification costs in safety-critical, mixed-criticality systems. In particular, WICERT will provide a platform for industrial demonstrations, thematic presentations and in-depth discussions about new HW/SW architectures and mechanisms and safety guidelines to achieve a more cost-effective, precise, and scalable certification. WICERT aims at bringing together experts, researchers, and practitioners, from diverse communities, such as safety and security engineering, certification processes, model-based technologies, software and hardware design, safety-critical systems and applications communities (aerospace, automotive, industrial manufacturing, health, etc.). TOPICS ----------------- Contributions are sought in (but are not limited to) the following topics: * Industrial challenges for cost-effective certification of safety critical systems * Mixed-criticality approaches for safety-critical systems * Multi-core solutions considering safety requirements * Compliance with standards and regulations * Cross-domain implementations of mixed-criticality, multi-core technologies * Measurable approaches for cost-effective certification * Guidance to comply with standards in terms of new embedded system technologies * Design methods and tools to support multi-core and mixed-criticality technologies * Reference architectures IMPORTANT DATES ---------------- Submission of Papers: December 1st, 2012 Acceptance Notification: December 15, 2012 (or before early registration deadline for DATE'13) Workshop event: March 22, 2013 INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS -------------------------- All manuscripts must be submitted for review electronically. Manuscripts should not exceed six (6) pages in length. All manuscripts should be formatted as close as possible to the final format: A4 or letter pages, double column, single spaced, Times or equivalent font of minimum 10pt. Use of colors may enhance your figures and is encouraged. Detailed instructions for formatting your manuscript are included in the file (format.pdf). Templates are provided for MS-Word and LaTeX files at http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/pubservices/confpub/AuthorTools/conferenceTemplates.html The manupcript must be submitted using Easychair: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=wicert2013 The workshop proceedings with the revised, final version of the accepted papers will be published in an Electronic Proceeding format. WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS -------------------------------------------- * Jarkko Mäkitalo (KONE Oij) * Rolf Ernst (TU Braunschweig) * Michael Paulitsch (EADS IW) * Javier Díaz Alonso (University of Granada) * Simon Brewerton (Infineon Tech.) * Huáscar Espinoza (TECNALIA): (contact person: huascar dot espinoza at tecnalia dot com) * José Luis Gutiérrez Rivas (University of Granada) --- |