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EGU/NP4. 2013 : Wavelet transform for geoscience applications | |||||||||||||
Link: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/session/12249/ouadfeul | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
Convener: Sid-Ali OUADFEUL
Souadfeul@ymail.com Co-Conveners: Leila Aliouane , Amar Boudella Abstract Submission Convener Login Wavelet Transform (WT) has becoming a very useful tool in geosciences. In geophysics, it has been used in various fields, for example, in seismic it has been used to improve S/N ratio and provide a seismic image of the subsurface. In gravity and magnetism it has been used for causative sources characterization. In Seismology, the wavelet transform is used for earthquake characterization…etc In climatology, the wavelet transform is used on tropical atmospheric oscillations analysis, WT analysis of hurricane wind time histories provides useful information regarding the fundamental mode and higher modes depending on how the turbulent structure of the wind changes in time….etc. In geology the wavelet transform can provide information on dataset…..etc The main goal of this session is to present the applications of the wavelet transform in geosceinces. Oral and poser presentations related to the topic are welcome. |