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BIO 2013 : GECCO Workshop: BIO 2013 (proceedings published by ACM) + Special Issue in Journal IEEE/ACM TCBB (IF: 1.543, Q1)


When Jul 6, 2013 - Jul 10, 2013
Where Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Submission Deadline Mar 28, 2013
Notification Due Apr 15, 2013
Final Version Due Apr 25, 2013
Categories    evolutionary computation   bioinformatics   soft computing   computational biology

Call For Papers

Call for Papers
GECCO Workshop: International Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Bioinformatics (proceedings published by ACM)
Special Issue in the Journal IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Impact Factor: 1.543, Quartile Q1)

We seek original, high-quality research papers, clearly focused on the application of Evolutionary Computation to any possible Bioinformatics problem. In particular, contributions are solicited on, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Multiobjective Optimization in Bioinformatics.
- Parallel and Distributed Evolutionary Techniques in Bioinformatics.
- Swarm Intelligence in Bioinformatics.
- Metaheuristics in Bioinformatics.
- Evolutionary and Bio-inspired Algorithms in Bioinformatics.
- Artificial Immune Systems in Bioinformatics.
- Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics.
- Fuzzy and Neural Systems in Bioinformatics.
- Classification and Decision Making in Bioinformatics.

With regard to the Bioinformatics problems, many different alternatives exist: biological sequence analysis, comparison and alignment; motif, gene and signal recognition/discovery; molecular evolution; phylogenetics and phylogenomics; determination or prediction of the structure of RNA and protein; DNA twisting and folding; gene expression and gene regulatory networks; deduction of metabolic pathways; microarray design and analysis; proteomics; functional genomics; molecular docking; design of DNA sequences for DNA computing; etc.

All the details (paper format, submission system, important dates, etc.) at:

Kind regards.

Dr. Miguel A. Vega-Rodriguez (
ARCO Research Group
University of Extremadura
Dept. Technologies of Computers & Communications
Escuela Politecnica. Campus Universitario, s/n
10003 Caceres. SPAIN
Tel: +34-927-25-72-63
Fax: +34-927-25-71-87

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