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PPMG 2015 : Second Congress on Multicore and GPU Programming


When Mar 5, 2015 - Mar 6, 2015
Where Caceres, Spain
Submission Deadline Feb 20, 2015
Notification Due Feb 27, 2015
Final Version Due Mar 1, 2015
Categories    parallel computing   high performance computing   parallel processing   parallel programming

Call For Papers

Second Congress on Multicore and GPU Programming (PPMG2015)

Caceres, Spain, 5-6 March 2015

Congress Web (with all the information):

Web for Paper Submission:

---Important details

- Deadline for Paper Submission: 20-February-2015 (extended, no more extensions are possible)
- Authors Notification: 27-February-2015
- Camera-Ready Paper and Registration Deadline: 1-March-2015
- Registration Fee: 50 euros


After the first Congress PPMG2014, the second edition of the Congress (PPMG2015) will take place at Escuela Politecnica (University of Extremadura, Spain).

The Second Congress on Multicore and GPU Programming (PPMG, according to the romanic acronym) comes across as a scientific-technological event of “minimum cost (50 euros) and maximum interest” for researchers and professionals. This Conference is promoted by TECDIS (Iberoamerican Network of Research on Concurrent, Distributed, and Parallel Technologies) and AUIP (Postgraduate Iberoamerican Academic Association).

Furthermore, the Congress PPMG2015 will take place together with the "Winter School" of the "High Performance Computation Network on Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures (CAPAP-H5)".

---Topic List

Contributions are solicited on, but are not limited to, the following topics:

- Scheduling and Architectures: Multicore Architectures, Interconnection Networks, Memory Consistency Models, Cache Coherence, Synchronization, Scheduling and Load Balancing, Programming with GPU, Xeon Phi, etc.

- Parallelism Structure and Algorithms: Dependence Graphs Abstractions and Halographs, Computation and Automatic Learning Algorithms, Parallel Data Structures, Transactional Memory, Partitioning, Cache Oblivion Algorithms.

- Models and Compilers: Performace Models (PRAM, BPRAM, logP), Compiler Analysis, Program Transformation, Self-optimizable Software, Program Optimization Techniques, Power and Energy Consumption Optimization, Tasks and Threads Models.

- Aplications: Case Studies with Cilk, PGAS Languages, TBBs, Map-Reduce, OpenMPI, OpenMP, Galois, GraphLab, CUDA, OpenCL, JCuda, etc.

- Activities and Reports of Participating Research Groups: Project in progress dissertation, thematic networks participation, active research development lines, technological transfer to industry, spin-off cases to show. National opportunities to HPC technology transfer at present.


All the accepted papers will be published in the Congress proceedings with ISBN. Papers can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese.

Furthermore, the English extended versions of the best contributed (and presented) papers to PPMG2015 will be selected for publication in the journal "Annals of Multicore and GPU Programming".

All the information (paper formatting instructions, submission system, etc.) is available at:

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