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CG&A 2014 : Special Issue on Interacting Beyond the Screen


When May 1, 2014 - Jun 30, 2014
Where IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications
Submission Deadline Sep 7, 2013
Categories    graphics   sensing   display   rendering

Call For Papers

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Special issue on Interacting Beyond the Screen

Final submissions due: 7 September 2013
Publication date: May/June 2014

Much of computer-human interaction is confined to flat, rectangular displays. This has never been more apparent than with the mainstream adoption of touchscreens, where the display surface and the locus of interaction are one and the same.

Recent advances in sensing and display technologies enable new modes of interaction that break the traditional boundaries of the screen, potentially enveloping the user’s physical environment with interactive content. For example, with the use of depth cameras and projectors, users can interact with a projected virtual object as if it were a physical object. The human body can be repurposed as a display surface to access digital information without a dedicated physical screen. Everyday physical objects can be augmented with interactivity and display capabilities previously available only on traditional computing devices. This transition from flat, rectangular, and mostly 2D interaction to fluid, physical and 3D interaction and display requires new insights in interaction design as well as innovations in graphics, display technologies, and sensing.

The special issue of IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications on Interacting beyond the Screen seeks contributions that explore interaction paradigms and display technologies that go beyond the confines of the screen. We welcome contributions that describe novel input and output solutions, interaction techniques, and specific applications that redefine interaction with, on, above, and without screens.

Suggested topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• display, rendering, sensing technologies and frameworks that enable interaction beyond the screen,
• projection and haptic augmentation of surfaces,
• spatial and augmented reality,
• computational illumination,
• interactive 3D displays,
• above the surface interaction,
• imbuing everyday physical objects with interactivity and display capability,
• depth camera-based interactions,
• head-mounted and near-to-eye displays,
• on-body interaction and display,
• natural user interface interaction design and evaluation, and
• applications utilizing interactions and display beyond the screen.

Please direct any correspondence before submission to the guest editors:
• Andy Wilson, Microsoft Research,
• Hrvoje Benko, Microsoft Research,

Submission Guidelines
Articles should be no more than eight magazine pages, where a page is 800 words and a quarter-page image counts as 200 words. Please cite only the 12 most relevant references, and consider providing (technical) background information in sidebars for nonexpert readers. Color images are preferable and should be limited to a total of 10.

Visit the CG&A style and length guidelines at

We also strongly encourage you to submit multimedia (videos etc.) to enhance your article. Visit CG&A supplemental guidelines at

Please submit your paper using the online manuscript submission service at When uploading your paper, select the appropriate special-issue title under the category "Manuscript Type." Also, include complete contact information for all authors. If you have any questions about submitting your article, contact the peer review coordinator at

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