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WI 2018 : 2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web IntelligenceConference Series : Web Intelligence | |||||||||||||
Link: http://webintelligence2018.com | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
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####################################################################### CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence 2018 (WI'18) December 3-6, 2018, Santiago, Chile Conference Website: http://webintelligence2018.com/ *** Paper Submission Deadline Extended *** - June 3, 2018 Sponsored By (among others): Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC) Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) IEEE Computer Society ####################################################################### Web Intelligence (WI) aims to achieve a multi-disciplinary balance between research advances in the fields of collective intelligence, data science, human-centric computing, knowledge management, and network science. It is committed to addressing research that deepens the understanding of computational, logical, cognitive, physical as well as business and social foundations of the future Web, and enables the development and application of intelligent technologies. WI'18 features high-quality, original research papers and real-world applications in all theoretical and technological areas that make up the field of WI. WI'18 welcomes research, application as well as Industry Track paper submissions. Tutorial, Workshop and Special-Session proposals and papers are also welcome. ++++++++++++++++ KEYNOTE SPEAKERS ++++++++++++++++ * Prof. Ramesh Jain, University of California, Irvine * Prof. Marti Hearst, University of California, Berkeley, USA * Prof. Francisco Herrera, University of Granada * Prof. Yong Shi, University of Nebraska, Omaha ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD & STUDENT TRAVEL AWARDS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Proudly funded by the Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics (TCII) of the IEEE Computer Society, WI 2018 introduces Best Student Paper Award and Student Travel Awards. The Best Student Paper Award (US$500) recognises authors of the best student papers accepted for publication in the proceedings of WI 2018. Student Travel Awards (Two available with US$500 each) provide the opportunity for student authors to attend and give an oral presentation at the WI 2018 conference. Refer to https://webintelligence2018.com/call-papers.html for details. ++++++++++++++++ MAIN TOPIC AREAS ++++++++++++++++ Track-1: Collective Intelligence Track-2: Data Science Track-3: Human-Centric Computing Track-4: Knowledge Management Track-5: Network Science Please find the detailed topics and areas of interest of WI'18 at http://webintelligence2018.com/ +++++++++++++++ IMPORTANT DATES +++++++++++++++ Submission of main conference papers: June 3, 2018 (extended) Submission of Workshop papers: July 22, 2018 Tutorial proposal submission: August 3, 2018 Notification of workshop paper acceptance: August 19, 2018 Special Sessions, Workshops, and Tutorials: December 3, 2018 Main Conference: December 4-6, 2018 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PAPER SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WI'18 solicits original work submitted as a regular paper (limited to 8 pages) in IEEE conference proceedings format (https://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html). Each paper will be peer-reviewed by at least three PC members on the basis of technical quality, relevance, originality, significance and clarity. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press and indexed by EI. Selected WI'18 papers will be further invited for expansion and publication in Web Intelligence journal and other international journals. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CALL FOR TUTORIALS/WORKSHOPS/SPECIAL-SESSIONS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WI'18 solicits proposals for tutorials, workshops, and special sessions on specific topics of interests, which will form an integral part of the conference program. Inquiries and submission of proposals should be addressed to the respective chairs. More information is also available in the call for workshops and special session proposals which can, among others, be accessed on the conference website. ++++++ AWARDS ++++++ Best Paper awards will be conferred at the conference on the authors of (1) the best research paper, (2) the best student paper. Application-oriented submissions will be considered for the best application paper award. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STEERING COMMITTEE CHAIRS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan * Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK SAR, China +++++++++++++++ GENERAL Chairs +++++++++++++++ * Amit Sheth, Wright State University, USA * Juan D. Velasquez Silva, University of Chile, Chile +++++++++++++++ PC Chairs +++++++++++++++ * Gabriella Pasi, the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy * Richard Weber, University of Chile, Chile * Xiaohui Tao, University of Southern Queensland, Australia ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WORKSHOP/SPECIAL SESSION/TUTORIAL CHAIRS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * Zhisheng Huang, Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands * Yue Xu, Queensland University of Technology, Australia * Guilin Qi, Southeast University, China +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INDUSTRY & SPONSORSHIPS CHAIR +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * Saurav Karmakar, GreyKarma Technologies, India ++++++++++++++++ PUBLICITY CHAIRS ++++++++++++++++ * Fabricio Benevenuto, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil * Vaclav Snasel, Ostrava University, Czech Republic * Yun Xiong, Fudan University, China * Bing (Jenny) Zhou, Sam Houston State University, USA * Xujuan Zhou, University of Southern Queensland, Australia +++++++++++++++ Contact Emails +++++++++++++++ * Juan D. Velasquez Silva: jvelasqu@dii.uchile.cl * Xiaohui Tao: xtao@usq.edu.au |