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DATICS-MUE 2014 : DATICS workshop in the 8th FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE 2014)


When May 29, 2014 - May 31, 2014
Where Zhang Jiajie
Submission Deadline Oct 15, 2014
Notification Due Nov 15, 2014
Final Version Due Dec 15, 2014
Categories    computer science   circuits and systems   communications   information technology

Call For Papers

DATICS Workshops were initially created by a network of researchers and engineers both from academia and industry in the areas of Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and Systems. Recently, DATICS has been extended to the fields of Communication, Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Technology. The main target of DATICS-MUE 2014 is to bring together software/hardware engineering researchers, computer scientists, practitioners and people from industry to exchange theories, ideas, techniques and experiences related to all aspects of DATICS.
DATICS-MUE 2014 will be hosted by the 8th FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering ( and takes place in Zhangjiajie, China, May 29-31, 2014.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

Circuits, Systems and Communications:
Design, Simulation and Test of Digital, Analog, Mixed Mode and RF Circuits and Systems
Processor Design and Embedded Systems
Computer Aided Design and Electronic Design Automation
Circuits and Systems for Communications
Power Systems and Power Electronic Circuits
Nonlinear Circuits and Systems
Control Theory Topics in Circuits and Systems
Signal Processing
Circuits and Systems for Biomedical Applications
Circuits and Systems for Energy Harvesting
Circuits and Systems for Cryptography
Circuits and Systems for Low Power Applications
Computer Aided Verification
Computer Aided Interconnect Analysis and Optimization
Circuit/Device Modeling and Simulation
Formal Modelling and Analysis of Circuits and Systems
SystemC, SystemVerilog and Transactions Level Modelling
Self-Correcting/Self-Healing Circuits and Systems
Cyber-Physical Systems
Battery Management Systems
Photovoltaic System Design

Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Technology:
Formal Methods, Graph Theory, Process Algebras, Petri-Nets, Automaton Theory, BDDs and UML
Equivalence Checking, Model Checking, SAT-based Methods, Compositional Methods and Probabilistic Methods
Average-Case Analysis and Worst-Case Analysis
Numerical Algorithms
Software Developed to Solve Science
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Intelligent Systems
Internet and Web Systems
Real-Time, Hybrid, Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems
Agent and Autonomous Systems
Scientific Computing and Applications
Computer and Information Science
Computer Networks and Data Communications
Distributed Systems, Grid Computing and Services Computing
Design and Programming Methodologies for Network Protocols and Applications
Wireless Sensor Networks
E-Business Design and Applications
Financial Mathematics
Financial Derivative Modelling and Pricing
Financial Risk Management
Quasi-Monte Carlo methods
Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
Computer Architecture
Computer Control and Robotics
Computer Graphics, Animation, and Virtual Reality
Computers in Education and Learning Technologies
Computer Modelling and Simulations
Computer Security and Privacy
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Ka Lok Man, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (China)
Nan Zhang, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (China)
Dawei Liu, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (China)


Details of Paper Submissions, Proceedings, Indexing and Journal Publications can be found at

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