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PRIMA 2013 : 16th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems


Conference Series : Pacific Rim International Conference on Multi-Agents
When Dec 3, 2013 - Dec 6, 2013
Where Dunedin, New Zealand
Submission Deadline Jul 1, 2013
Notification Due Aug 19, 2013
Final Version Due Sep 14, 2013
Categories    agents   multi-agent systems   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

Agent computing is an exciting, transformational approach to developing computer systems that can rapidly and reliably solve real-world problems that usually demand human knowledge and expertise. The value, power and flexibility of agent and multi-agent systems has been demonstrated in application areas such as logistics, manufacturing, simulation, robotics, decision support, entertainment, and especially in online market environments. As one of the largest and fastest growing research fields of Computer Science, agent research today includes a wealth of topics.

The PRIMA 2013 Program Committee invites submissions of original, unpublished, theoretical and applied work on any such topic, and encourages reports on the development of prototype and deployed agent systems, and of experiments that demonstrate novel agent system capabilities, which include the topics given below. Note: There will be a special track (special focus area) on applications of multi-agent systems. The papers for this track would report experiences on using agents in an application domain and also discuss the challenges (resolved and unresolved issues) in deploying them. In general, papers discussing lessons learned and general directions of research using agents are solicited for this track.

Foundations of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
+Logics of Agency
+Logics of Multi-Agent Systems
+Normative Systems
+Computational Game Theory
+Uncertainty in Agent Systems
+Agent and Multi-Agent Learning

Agent and Multi-Agent System Architectures
+Agent Programming Languages and Platforms
+Multi-Agent System Languages and Platforms
+BDI Architectures and Extensions
+Normative Multi-Agent Systems

Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
+AOSE Methodologies
+Tools for Agent and Multi-Agent System Development
+Formal Specification and Verification
+Testing, debugging and evolution
+Deployed System Case Studies

Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation
+Simulation Languages and Platforms
+Artificial Societies
+Virtual Environments
+Workflow Simulation
+Emergent Behaviour
+Modelling System Dynamics
+Application Case Studies

Cooperation/Collaboration, Coordination/Communication
+Agent Communication Languages and Protocols
+Distributed Problem Solving
+Teamwork Models
+Coalition Formation
+Auctions and Mechanism Design
+Trust and Reputation
+Computational Voting Theory

Hybrid Technologies
+Agents in Planning
+Agent-Based Scheduling and Optimization
+Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
+Agents and Data Mining
+Semantic Web Agents
+Agents and Grid Computing
+Agents and Service Oriented Computing
+Agents and Pervasive Computing
+Robotics and Multi-Robot Systems
+Ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence

Application Domains
+Emergency/Disaster Management
+Energy/Utility Management
+Sustainability/Resource Management
+Smart Cities
+Financial markets

+Adaptive Personal Assistants
+Embodied Conversational Agents
+Virtual Characters
+Multi-Modal User Interfaces
+Autonomous Systems
+Mobile Agents
+Human-Robot Interaction
+Social Recommender Systems
+Algorithmic trading agents

Paper Submission:
Two types of contributions are solicited:

- Full papers, up to 16 pages in LNCS format, should present original theoretical and/or experimental research in any of the areas listed above that has not been previously published, accepted for publication, or is not currently under review by another conference or journal. Note that some full papers may be accepted as short papers (see below).

- Short papers (early innovation papers), up to 8 pages in LNCS format showcasing works-in-progress (will be reviewed with an emphasis on novelty/originality of the idea).

Both full and short papers will be included in the conference proceedings by Springer (LNAI series). Authors of both types of papers will need to present their work at the conference.

Please refer to the Paper Submission page ( for details on how to format your paper and how to submit your paper via EasyChair.

Important Dates:
Submissions Due: 1 July 2013
Notifications: 19 August 2013
Camera-Ready: 14 September 2013
Early Registration: 31 October 2013
Conference: 3-6 December 2013

Conference Committees
General chairs
Assoc. Prof. Frank Dignum, Utrecht University
Professor Martin Purvis, University of Otago

Program chairs
Assoc. Prof. Guido Boella, University of Torino
Asst. Prof. Edith Elkind, Nanyang Technological University
Dr Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu, University of Otago

Senior Advisors
Prof. Aditya Ghose, University of Wollongong
Prof. Sandip Sen, University of Tulsa
Prof. Makoto Yokoo, Kyushu University

Related Resources

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