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IC3D 2014 : International Conference on 3D Imaging


When Dec 9, 2014 - Dec 10, 2014
Where Liège, Belgium
Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2014
Notification Due Oct 1, 2014
Final Version Due Oct 31, 2014
Categories    computer vision   3d audio   image processing   3d imaging

Call For Papers

IC3D provides in-depth coverage of all the aspects of 3D. IC3D addresses all the modalities/types of 3D, including stereoscopic, multiview (or multiscopic), lightfield
(or plenoptic or integral), volumetric, holographic, range (or depth), acoustical, and
print. IC3D considers, for each of these 3D modalities, all possible operations in each conceivable, end-to-end 3D processing chain, e.g., from the capture of real 3D images & sound or the generation of synthetic 3D images & sound, through pre-processing, scene
modeling, compression, coding, transmission, storage, and post-processing, to visualization, sound spatialization, printing, and other forms of exploitation. IC3D
explores the many applications of each of these 3D modalities, mainly ranging from
cinema and broadcast, through industry, engineering, design, science, medicine, defe
nse, and R&D, to communication, education, and entertainment. IC3D covers all the bases for all the above topics, including the principles, theories, sciences, physics, optics, acoustics, electronics, algorithms, processing, technologies, and human
factors. All of the above defines what we mean by "3D imaging".

Context and features
While IC3D is a self-contained event, it is seamlessly integrated into 3D Stereo MEDIA. This overall, umbrella event is built on the following pillars: a Scientific Conference (the present IC3D), a Professional Conference, an International 3D Festival, a 3D Content Financing Market, and a Gala Evening. 3D Stereo MEDIA will take place in Liège on 9-11 Dec 2014. Information about 3D Stereo MEDIA can be found at
. As for the first three editions, we expect IC3D to be technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Signal Process ing Society, and the proceedings to be archived in the IEEE Xplore digital library. As in 2013, we expect that the Best Paper Award will be in the
form of a Lumiere Award from the International 3D & Advanced Imaging Society, based in Hollywood, CA.

For more information, you can visit

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