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HPC 2013 : High Performance Computing Symposium


Conference Series : High Performance Computing
When Apr 7, 2013 - Apr 10, 2013
Where San Diego, California
Submission Deadline Dec 21, 2012
Notification Due Jan 25, 2013
Final Version Due Feb 10, 2013
Categories    HPC   gpu   multicore   parallel algorithms

Call For Papers

Call For Papers – HPC Symposium -

The 21st High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2013), devoted to the
impact of high performance computing and communications on computer simulations.
Advances in multicore and many-core architectures, networking, high end
computers, large data stores, and middleware capabilities are ushering in a
new era of high performance parallel and distributed simulations. Along with
these new capabilities come new challenges in computing and system modeling.
The goal of HPC 2013 is to encourage innovation in high performance computing
and communication technologies and to promote synergistic advances in modeling
methodologies and simulation. It will promote the exchange of ideas and
information between universities, industry, and national laboratories about
new developments in system modeling, high performance computing and
communication, and scientific computing and simulation.

Topics of interest include:
* High performance/large scale application case studies
* GPU for general purpose computations (GPGPU)
* Multicore and many-core computing
* Power aware computing
* Cloud, distributed, and grid computing
* Asynchronous numerical methods and programming
* Hybrid system modeling and simulation
* Large scale visualization and data management
* tools and environments for coupling parallel codes
* Parallel algorithms and architectures
* High performance software tools
* Resilience at the simulation level
* Component technologies for high performance computing

Submissions Due: 12/21/2012

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