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CHIIR 2019 : ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Computer Interaction and Retrieval


When Mar 10, 2019 - Mar 14, 2019
Where Glasgow, UK
Submission Deadline Sep 24, 2018
Notification Due Nov 9, 2018
Final Version Due Nov 30, 2018
Categories    HCI   IR   information retrieval   human computer interaction

Call For Papers

Online information influences every aspect of our lives: work, leisure and learning. As information systems become more embedded in our day-to-day experiences, it becomes increasingly important to understand how people interact with information and the consequences of those interactions. Access to information is critical to preserving democracy. Beyond designing effective and engaging information retrieval systems and interfaces, understanding how users access and use information is crucial to designing fair and ethical systems.

ACM CHIIR 2019 invites submissions focused on user-centered approaches to design and evaluation of systems for information access, retrieval, and use. This includes studies of interactive retrieval systems, novel interfaces and interaction paradigms, new evaluation methods, and related areas. Alongside focused studies on specific information retrieval systems and situations, we also welcome longitudinal, real-life, and ethnographic research of contextually embedded search tasks.

Topics covered include but are not limited to:

Information seeking, including task-based and exploratory studies
Search interfaces, including those for specialized tasks, populations and domains
User-Centered Design approaches to humans interacting with information and systems
Interaction techniques for information retrieval and discovery
Online information seeking, including log analysis of search and browsing
Modeling and simulation of information interaction
Information use, including measures of use as well as broader sense-making
Field and case studies relevant to understanding prerequisites for information searching, design and access
User-centered evaluation methods and measures, including measures of user experience and performance, experiment and search task design, eye-tracking and physiological approaches, data analysis methods, and usability
Human interaction and experience with mobile searching and services
Context-aware and personalized search, including design, contextual features and analysis of information interaction
Information visualization and visual analytics, including search result presentation
Collaborative information seeking and social search, including social utility and network analysis for information interaction
Conversational search and other types of stateful and multi-turn interactions between users and search applications

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