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BIOKDD-DEXA 2014 : 5th International Workshop on Biological Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | |||||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.dexa.org | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
5th International Workshop on Biological Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (BIOKDD'14) Held in parallel with 25th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA’14) www.dexa.org Munich, Germany September 1-5, 2014 With the development of Molecular Biology during the last decades, we are witnessing an exponential growth of both the volume and the complexity of biological data. For example, the Human Genome Project provided the sequence of the 3 billion DNA bases that constitute the human genome. And, consequently, we are provided too with the sequences of about 100,000 proteins. Therefore, we are entering the post-genomic era: after having focused so many efforts on the accumulation of data, we have now to focus as much effort, and even more, on the analysis of these data. Analyzing this huge volume of data is a challenging task because, not only, of its complexity and its multiple and numerous correlated factors, but also, because of the continuous evolution of our understanding of the biological mechanisms. Classical approaches of biological data analysis are no longer efficient and produce only a very limited amount of information, compared to the numerous and complex biological mechanisms under study. From here comes the necessity to use computer tools and develop new in silico high performance approaches to support us in the analysis of biological data and, hence, to help us in our understanding of the correlations that exist between, on one hand, structures and functional patterns of biological sequences and, on the other hand, genetic and biochemical mechanisms. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) are a response to these new trends. Topics of BIOKDD'14 workshop include, but not limited to: Data Preprocessing: Biological Data Storage, Representation and Management (data warehouses, databases, sequences, trees, graphs, biological networks and pathways, …), Biological Data Cleaning (errors removal, redundant data removal, completion of missing data, …), Feature Extraction (motifs, subgraphs, …), Feature Selection (filter approaches, wrapper approaches, hybrid approaches, embedded approaches, …) Data Mining: Biological Data Regression (regression of biological sequences…), Biological data clustering/biclustering (microarray data biclustering, clustering/biclustering of biological sequences, …), Biological Data Classification (classification of biological sequences…), Association Rules Learning from Biological Data, Text mining and Application to Biological Sequences, Web mining and Application to Biological Data, Parallel, Cloud and Grid Computing for Biological Data Mining Data Postprocessing: Biological Nuggets of Knowledge Filtering, Biological Nuggets of Knowledge Representation and Visualization, Biological Nuggets of Knowledge Evaluation (calculation of the classification error rate, evaluation of the association rules via numerical indicators, e.g. measurements of interest, … ), Biological Nuggets of Knowledge Integration PAPER SUBMISSION DETAILS: Authors are invited to submit electronically original contributions in English. Submitted papers should not exceed 5 pages in IEEE format (http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting). All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of DEXA’14 Workshops with IEEE CSP. One of the authors of an accepted paper must register to DEXA’14 conference and present the paper at BIOKDD’14 workshop. For paper registration and electronic submission see (http://confdriver.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/dexa2014/), starting from January 2014. The Best Paper Award for the winning accepted paper in BIOKDD-DEXA'14 workshop will be a FREE publication of this paper in BioDatamining Journal (www.biodatamining.org). IMPORTANT DATES: Submission of abstracts: April 8, 2014 Submission of full papers: April 10, 2014 Notification of acceptance: April 21, 2014 Camera-ready copies due: May 31, 2014 PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Mourad Elloumi, LaTICE, University of Tunis, Tunisia (PC Chair) Jason T. L. Wang, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA Radha Krishna Murthy Karuturi, The Jackson Lab., Bar Harbor, USA Daisuke Kihara, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA Alfredo Ferro, University of Catania, Italy Virginio Cantoni, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy Marco Ferretti, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy Ziding Zhang, China Agricultural University, Beijing China Li Teng, The University of Iowa, USA Lefteris Angelis, Univ. of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Evangelos Theodoridis, University of Patras, Greece Alfredo Pulvirenti , University of Catania, Italy Mohamed Elati, Institut de Bio. Synth. et Syst., Evry France Solon P. Pissis, King’s College London, UK José Luis Oliveira, University of Aveiro, Portugal Adelaide Freitas, University of Aveiro, Portugal Tiratha Raj Singh, Jaypee Univ. of Info. and Tech., Solan, India Ahmed Moussa, University Adbelmalek Essaadi, Tangier, Morocco Sidahmed Benabderrahmane, INRIA, Rennes, France Ignacio Ponzoni, Univ. Nac. del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina. Matteo Comin, University of Padova, Padova, Italy Emanuel Weitschek, University Roma Tre, Rome, Italy ________________________________________________________________ BioData Mining www.biodatamining.org Editors-in-Chief Jesus Aguilar Ruiz (Spain) Jason Moore (USA) |