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EFFoST 2016 : 30th EFFoST International Conference: Targeted Technologies for Sustainable Food Systems


When Nov 28, 2016 - Nov 30, 2016
Where Austria
Submission Deadline May 20, 2016
Categories    food production   food processing   food safety   food composition

Call For Papers

The 30th EFFoST International Conference will be held in Vienna, Austria from 28‑30 November 2016 under the theme: Targeted Technologies for Sustainable Food Systems. The conference will be organized by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) on behalf of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology.

Conference Topics

Abstract Submission Deadline: 20 May 2016

Oral and poster abstracts are now invited on the following topics. They should be submitted using the online abstract submission system. The deadline for submissions is 20 May 2016.

* Emerging agricultural concepts and use of new raw materials for sustainable food production
* Water management and resource efficient food processing in the Danube region and beyond
* Food safety - analysis, control and prevention of microbial and chemical contaminants in food
* New paths for targeted food processing - design of new and re-evaluation of traditional techniques and ingredients
* Non-thermal technologies and process combinations - analytic approaches and mechanistic insights
* Food and health - food composition, structure design, digestion and ingredient bioavailability, gut micro biome
* Sensor technology and quality monitoring during processing and storage
* Modeling and simulation of food matrix properties and processing technologies
* Food consumer science - sensory perception, emerging consumer needs and expectations

The theme of the conference and the topics reflect the demand for sustainable food systems to address specific consumer needs and preferences. The availability of targeted technologies is one critical bottleneck for product innovations leading to environmentally friendly food processes and the introduction of scalable and flexible food manufacturing techniques.

The 30th EFFoST International Conference will explore solutions to current and future challenges such as food and water security, sustainable agriculture, food safety, convenience and health derived from the targeted application of appropriate food- and bio-processing technologies also taking into account economic and ethical aspects. The river Danube and the whole Danube region as a guiding theme for the conference will reflect some of above mentioned challenges and science based technological solutions in particular.

We are looking forward to making the 30th EFFoST International Conference an important scientific event that will bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, policy makers, professionals and students from multidisciplinary food related fields to: inspire a cross fertilization of new knowledge, ideas and applications; to promote networking and collaboration; to enhance academia and industry synergism in the quest for sustainable food innovations for the global economy and society.

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