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CoCoS 2013 : Workshop on Comprehension of Complex Systems


When Mar 25, 2013 - Mar 25, 2013
Where Fukuoka, Japan
Submission Deadline Jan 7, 2013
Notification Due Jan 28, 2013
Final Version Due Feb 8, 2013
Categories    software engineering   debugging   program comprehension   modularity

Call For Papers

The sheer complexity and emergent behavior of large scale systems make it impossible to completely understand systems without the aid of specific tools. Especially, more and more systems start to use advanced compositions like Aspect-Orientation in its development. Advanced composition technology enables the creation and usage of powerful abstractions. Improved modularity yields significant benefits in terms of reuse and separation of concerns.
By using of abstractions, as they are present in languages, middlewares, and models, certain properties of a system are hidden (abstracted). This creates the problem of comprehending the run-time behavior in terms of the used abstractions and the properties that were abstracted away (e.g. debugging AO programs, diagnosing violation of performance service-level agreements). To encourage wider adoption of advanced modularity, tools are required to assist developers in understanding the run-time behavior of complex composed systems. This workshop aims to create a dialogue on the problem of program comprehension and its relation to modularity in the wider context.

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