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ASDOM 2014 : ASDOM 2014: Advances in Simulation-Driven Optimization and Modeling (ASDOM 2014)


When Aug 8, 2014 - Aug 10, 2014
Where Reykjavik, Iceland
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    optimization   numerical modeling   CAD   simulation

Call For Papers

A three-day workshop on advances in simulation-driven optimization and modeling methodologies, ASDOM 2014, will be held at the Reykjavik University, Iceland, in August 2014. The workshop will be focused on reviewing the state-of-the-art engineering modeling and optimization techniques, providing a forum for cross-disciplinary discussion, as well as promoting important topics for the future research and development.

This is a third edition of ASDOM, the first one held in 2011 (see: ASDOM 2011,, the second in 2013 (see: ASDOM 2013,

Workshop topics
- Simulation-driven design
- Knowledge-based methods
- Multidisciplinary design and optimization
- Optimization methods for CPU-intensive engineering problems
- Multi-fidelity analysis and optimization
- Surrogate-based modeling and optimization
- Function-approximation-based and physics-based surrogate models
- Space mapping and response correction techniques
- Approximation, interpolation and response surface methodologies
- Adjoint sensitivities in simulation-driven design
- Artificial neural network modeling of devices and systems
- Software architectures for optimization-oriented design
- Application case studies

Prospective speakers are encouraged to submit their proposals including the talk title and abstract to the organizers (Slawomir Koziel,, and/or Leifur Leifsson,

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