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IWSSIP 2014 : International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing


When May 12, 2014 - May 15, 2014
Where Dubrovnik, Croatia
Submission Deadline Dec 9, 2013
Notification Due Jan 15, 2014
Final Version Due Jan 22, 2014
Categories    signal processing   wireless communications   multimedia   security

Call For Papers

The 21st International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2014, will take place in the city of Dubrovnik, Croatia from May 12th until May 15th, 2014 and will be organized by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.

IWSSIP ( is an international conference on theoretical, experimental and applied signal processing techniques. IWSSIP brings together researchers and developers from both academia and industry to report on the latest scientific and theoretical advances to discuss and debate major issues and to demonstrate state-of-the-art systems. IWSSIP 2014 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Region 8, IEEE Croatia Section and EURASIP (European Association for Signal Processing).

The program includes keynote talks presented by eminent experts in the field and presentations of, peer reviewed contributed papers. Several special sessions will be organized during IWSSIP 2014 symposium. Authors are encouraged to submit their papers to these special sessions.


Signal Processing

Signal processing and systems
Speech and audio processing
Signal detection and estimation
Signal processing for communications
Design and implementation of signal processing systems
Signal processing education
Neural networks and fuzzy systems
Genetic algorithms

Image and Video Processing

Image and video processing and coding
Medical imaging and image analys­is
Video streaming and video conferencing

Wireless Communications

MIMO and multi-antenna communications
Cooperative transmission and reception
Next generation mobile networks
Broadband wireless networks
Wireless sensor network systems
Cognitive radio


Multicast & broadcast for IPTV
DVB and IPTV technologies
IMS based NGN architecture, services and protocols


Multimedia services in NGN
Multimedia data compression
Multimedia human-machine interface and interaction
Multimedia content processing and content description
Multimedia signal processing
Multimedia communications, networking, services and applications
Multimedia systems and services


Watermarking and encryption
Digital image forensics
Trust and security systems
Information and network security
Authentication protocols and services


IMPORTANT: Web-based (online) paper submission of papers in PDF format is required for all authors. No e-mail, fax, or postal submissions will be accepted. Authors should prepare their papers according to IWSSIP 2014 paper sample, convert them to PDF based on IEEE requirements, and submit them using web-based submission system by December 9, 2013.

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