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ISC HPC 2018 : ISC High Performance 2018


When Jun 24, 2018 - Jun 28, 2018
Where Frankfurt, Germany
Submission Deadline Dec 30, 2017
Notification Due Mar 5, 2018
Final Version Due Apr 2, 2018
Categories    high performance computing   HPC   computer science

Call For Papers

The ISC research paper sessions provide first-class open forums for engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to present and discuss issues, trends and results that will shape the future of high performance computing.

Submitted research paper proposals will be reviewed by the ISC 2018 Research Papers Committee, which is headed by Prof. Dr. David Keyes, KAUST, with Mr. Carsten Trinitis, TU Munich, as Deputy Chair and Dr. Rio Yokota, Tokyo Institute of Technology, as Proceedings Chair and Dr. Michele Weiland, EPCC, as Proceedings Deputy Chair.

The research paper sessions will be held from Monday, June 25, through Wednesday, June 27, 2018. Attendance will require a Conference Pass.

The ISC organizers as well as the German Gauss Center for Supercomputing will again sponsor the call for research papers with two awards for outstanding research papers: the Hans Meuer Award and the GAUSS Award.

* Full Submission Deadline: Saturday, December 30, 2017, 11:59 pm AoE
* Notification of Acceptance: Monday, March 5, 2018
* Research Paper Sessions at ISC 2018: Monday, June 25 – Wednesday, June 27, 2018

We encourage the submission of high-quality papers reporting original work in theoretical, experimental, and industrial research and development. The ISC submission process will be divided into seven tracks this year for better manageability:

1. Architectures & Networks:
Future design concepts of HPC systems
Multicore/manycore systems
Heterogeneous systems
Network technology
Domain-specific architectures
Memory technologies
Trends in the HPC chip market
Exascale computing

2. Data, Storage & Visualization
From big data to smart data
Memory systems for HPC & big data
File systems & tape libraries
Data intensive applications
Visual analytics
In-situ analytics

3. HPC Applications
Highly scalable applications
Convergence of simulations and big data
Scability on future architectures
Workflow management
Coupled simulations
Industrial simulations
Implementations on SIMT accelerators

4. HPC Algorithms
Innovative algorithms, discrete or continuous
Algorithmic-based fault tolerance
Communication-reducing algorithms
Synchronization-reducing algorithms
Time-space trade-offs in algorithms

5. Programming Models & Systems Software
Parallel programming paradigms
Tools and libraries for performance and productivity
Job management
Monitoring & administration tools
Productivity improvement
Energy efficiency

6. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Neural networks and HPC
Machine learning and HPC
AI and machine learning-oriented hardware​
Devising benchmarks for machine learning

7. Performance Modeling & Measurement
Performance models
Performance prediction and engineering
Performance measurement
Power consumption

Note: Submissions on other innovative aspects of high performance computing are also welcome. You will be asked to pick a primary and a secondary track from the seven above for your submission.

Papers need to be submitted via the ISC 2018 submission site at by Saturday, December 30, 2017.
We accept only submissions which are formatted correctly in LNCS style (single column format) using either the LaTeX document class or Word template. For details on the author guidelines, please refer to Springer's website. Incorrectly formatted papers will be excluded from the reviewing process.
Paper submissions are required to be within 18 pages in the above mentioned LNCS style. This includes all figures and references.
Each paper will be peer-reviewed double-blind (see ISC 2018 Double-Blind Review Guidelines) by at least 4 reviewers and should be submitted in a form suitable for anonymous review. Papers will be evaluated by reviewers based on their novelty, fundamental insights and potential for long-term contribution.
Papers will go through a rebuttal phase to give authors the chance to respond to reviewer comments and to discuss them with the Research Papers Committee. During this phase, the reviews of your paper would be made available to you and you will have the opportunity to address any questions from the reviewers or aspects that you feel the reviewers might have misunderstood. The rebuttal will be in written format, and further instructions will be emailed to the authors. After the rebuttal period has closed, the Research Papers Committee members and chairs will have an opportunity to look through the author rebuttals and would be able to change their reviews based on this information. Final decisions will be made taking the reviews and rebuttals into consideration. At an in-person Research Papers Committee meeting, each paper will be discussed before the acceptance decisions are made.

By submitting a paper proposal, you agree to present the paper at ISC 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany.
Paper presenters need to be registered ISC 2018 participants. The ISC organizers will grant a 100% discount on the conference day pass to one presenter per paper for the day of their presentation (or an equivalent discount on the full conference pass).
Travel, accommodation, registration fees and other such costs will not be covered by the ISC organizers.

For further information please contact:
Conference Program Manager

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