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PLN-E 2010 : Workshop NLP in the Enterprise: Envisioning the Next 10 Years


When Sep 6, 2010 - Sep 7, 2010
Where Valencia (Spain)
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2010
Notification Due Jul 15, 2010
Final Version Due Aug 15, 2010
Categories    information retrieval   natural language processing   text mining   NLP

Call For Papers


Workshop NLP in the Enterprise: Envisioning the Next 10 Years
Workshop at SEPLN 2010 (
September 6-7, 2010, Valencia, Spain
Submission deadline: 15 June, 2010

The workshop "NLP in the Enterprise: Envisioining the next 10 years" (PLN-E) will be held in Valencia (Spain), as a satellite workshop of SEPLN 2010, on September 6-7, 2010.

PLN-E aims to become a meeting point among academic researchers and companies interested on technologies all along Natural Language Processing and other related technologies like text mining, information retrieval, opinion mining, etc.


We aim the submission of works that shows how NLP can help enterprises to solve problems, or develop new products and services. We expect 3 different types of works:

* (Academic/enterprise) Research works at early stages but with a clear orientation to enterprise applications (products/services)
* Works showing how a certain or several NLP technologies have been successfully used to solve a certain problem (such as developing a new product/service)
* Works from companies explaining certain problems that can not be solved with the actual state of the art on NLP.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the next topics:

A) New NLP Technologies with a clear Application in the Enterprise

1. Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis
2. Monolingual and Multilingual Information Systems
3. Voice Question-Answering Systems
4. Social Intelligent Systems
5. Plagiarism Detection and Systems for Detecting Confidential Information
6. Recommender Systems
7. Illicit contents/Crimes Detection Systems

B) New Application Domains

1. Social Media
2. Mobile Devices
3. Videoconsoles and TDT
4. Virtual Worlds and Massive Multiplayer Games

C) Business Aspects of NLP

1. New Business Models
2. Unsolved Problems
3. Scalability and Performance of NLP Technologies
4. Production Environments for NLP Systems
5. Real-World Datasets Descriptions
6. Demands and Market Needs


* Deadline: 15 June 2010
* Acceptance: 15 July 2010
* Camera due: 15 August 2010
* Workshop: 6/7 eptember 2010


* Jose Carlos Cortizo (BrainSins, Universidad Europea de Madrid) - contact person (
* Jose Maria Gomez (Optenet)
* Francisco Manuel Rangel (Corex)
* Victor Peinado (MAVIR)
* Hugo Zaragoza (Yahoo! Research)
* Francisco Manuel Carrero (BrainSins, Universidad Europea de Madrid)


* Rodrigo Agerri (Vicomtech Research Centre)
* Matxalen Alfaro (Sarenet)
* Claudio Baccigalupo (VLEX)
* Sergio Berna (ExperienceOn)
* Enric Castellon (Thera)
* Juan Manuel Cigarran (UNED, Consorcio MAVIR)
* Jesus Contreras (ISOCO)
* Javier Cuervo (Redepyme, EOI)
* Luis Ignacio Diaz (Acciona I+D)
* Jose Gregorio Escalada (Telefonica I+D)
* Diego Exposito (Answare Technologies)
* Angel Faus (VLEX)
* Jorge Garcia Betanzos (Sarenet)
* Ricardo Farreres (Thera)
* Anabel Fraga (UC3M/REUSE)
* Juan Antonio Garrido (i2factory)
* Galo Gimenez (HP)
* Francisco Gomez Molinero (Visual Tools)
* Jose Carlos Gonzalez (Daedalus)
* Carlos Gonzalez (ExperienceOn)
* Alberto Gragera (Tuenti)
* Francesc Grau (Conzentra)
* Carlos Lamas (T-Systems Iberia)
* Didac Lee (Inspirit, Spamina)
* Juan Llorens (UC3M/REUSE)
* Miguel Lucas (Acteo Soluciones)
* Diego Martin (Stratebi Business Solutions)
* Javier Martin (Loogic)
* Juan Carlos Martinez (Corex)
* Daniel Martinez (Indra Software Labs)
* Borja Monsalve (Social Gaming Platform)
* John Paul Moore (ATOS Research)
* Cesar de Pablo (UC3M, Consorcio MAVIR)
* Enrique Puertas (UEM, Consorcio MAVIR)
* Joaquin Rieta (TICSinergies)
* Federico Rodriguez (Stratebi Business Solutions)
* Miguel Angel Rodriguez (Telefonica I+D)
* Antonio Sanchez Valderrabanos (Bitext)
* Estela Saquete (UA, Consorcio MAVIR)
* Isabel Segura (UC3M, Consorcio MAVIR)
* Jim Shur (Strands)
* Jose Luis Suarez (Corex)
* Yaiza Temprado (Telefonica I+D)
* Marc Torrens (Strands)
* Paulo Villegas (Telefonica I+D)
* Pedro Vivancos (Vocali)
* David Zaragoza (Avanzis)

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