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JIPS 2017 : Journal of Information Processing Systems - Special Section


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Feb 28, 2017
Notification Due Apr 30, 2017
Final Version Due May 30, 2017
Categories    cloud computing   big data   resource management   data management

Call For Papers

Call for Special Secions - JIPS (Indexed by EI and SCOPUS)

Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS)
The Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) is the official international journal of the Korea Information Processing Society. As information processing systems are progressing at a rapid pace, the Korea Information Processing Society is committed to providing researchers and other professionals with the academic information and resources they need to keep abreast with ongoing developments. The JIPS aims to be a premier source that enables researchers and professionals all over the world to promote, share, and discuss all major research issues and developments in the field of information processing systems and other related fields.
ISSN: 1976-913X (Print), ISSN: 2092-805X (Online)

All publications of JIPS are indexed in ESCI (a new Web of Science index of Thomson Reuters), SCOPUS, DOI, DBLP, EI COMPENDEX, EBSCO, Google Scholar, and Crossref.

Special Session:
Advanced Technologies, Services, and Applications for Cloud Computing and Big Data

Recent advanced technologies and applications in the areas of cloud computing and big data have been creating new demands and opportunities in the field of information technology, and are helping to accelerate the advent of the fourth industrial revolution. The data produced by devices and systems is becoming larger and more varied. Thus, it cannot be easily processed, analyzed, or stored using conventional computing systems. This indicates the need for large-scale computational and storage resources to extract useful and meaningful information from big data produced by numerous devices and systems for applications as diverse as military, medical, industrial, and smart space industries. Cloud computing is one promising technique of efficiently processing this big data to create useful services and applications. The convergence of cloud computing and big data requires new and innovative infrastructure, middleware, framework, designs, protocols, services, and applications. This special session attempts to highlight some of the recent research and development that addresses issues related to these motivations.

JIPS offers the following five special sections in 2017. All papers submitted to the special sections will be processed as Fast track - B type (especially, we will provide a special offer: 20% off APC for authors who submit papers to special sections).

▶ Subject Coverage
We are soliciting original papers on methodologies, models, technologies, systems, services, tools, applications, work in progress, and experiences that are focused on convergence technologies and applications in the areas of cloud computing and big data. This special session aims to provide a forum that brings together researchers from academia, engineers working in the industries listed above, and the government to meet and exchange ideas on advanced technologies, services, and applications in cloud computing and big data. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Architecture for the convergence of cloud computing and big data
- Middleware for the convergence of cloud computing and big data
- Platforms and frameworks for the convergence of cloud computing and big data
- Convergence models of cloud computing and big data
- Systems and tools for the convergence of cloud computing and big data
- Services and applications for the convergence of cloud computing and big data
- Data mining techniques for the convergence of cloud computing and big data
- Artificial intelligence techniques for the convergence of cloud computing and big data
- Resource management in cloud computing for processing, analyzing, and managing big data
- Data management in cloud computing for processing, analyzing, and managing big data
- Storage management techniques for processing, analyzing, and managing big data
- Convergence technologies in cloud computing
- Convergence technologies in virtualization
- Convergence technologies in big data

▶ Submission Guidelines
Papers must be submitted to the ManuscriptLink service:
It is important that you select "Special Issue/Section Track" and "Advanced Technologies, Services, and Applications for Cloud Computing and Big Data" when you reach the “Basic Information” step in the submission process. Before submitting you paper, you need to read JIPS ’ submission guidelines.

▶ Editors
==Section Editors==
Prof. Joon-Min Gil, Ph.D. School of Information Technology Engineering Catholic University of Daegu Gyeongsan, South Korea
Prof. Jaehwa Chung, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science Korea National Open University Seoul, South Korea

Prof. Jong Hyuk Park, SeoulTech, Korea
Prof. Vincenzo Loia, University of Salerno, Italy

▶ Important Dates
- Manuscript submission due: Feb. 28, 2017
- Author notification: April 30, 2017
- Expected publication date: 2rd quarter, 2017(tentative)

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