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DCC 2015 : Data Compression Conference


Conference Series : Data Compression Conference
When Apr 6, 2015 - Apr 9, 2015
Where Snowbird, Utah
Submission Deadline Nov 3, 2014
Notification Due Dec 31, 2014
Final Version Due Jan 15, 2015
Categories    data compression   source coding   compression applications   compression standards

Call For Papers

An international forum for current work on data compression and related applications. Both theoretical and experimental work are of interest. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: Lossless and lossy compression for storage and transmission of specific types of data (including text, gray scale and color photographs, multi-spectral and hyper-spectral images, palette images, video, movies, audio, music, maps, instrument and sensor data, space data, earth observation data, scientific data, weather data, medical data, graphics data, geometry data, 3D representations, animation, bi-level images / bit-maps, web content, web graphs, etc.), source coding, source coding in multiple access networks, joint source-channel coding, rate distortion coding, rate allocation, multiple description coding, quantization theory, vector quantization (VQ), multiple description VQ, transform based methods (including DCT and wavelet transforms), parallel compression algorithms and hardware, error resilient compression techniques, adaptive compression algorithms, browsing and searching compressed data, visual search, object recognition, string searching and manipulation used in compression applications, fractal based compression methods, information retrieval employing compression techniques, steganography / hidden information with respect to compressed data, minimal length encoding and applications to learning, system issues relating to data compression (including error control, data security, indexing, and browsing), compression applications and issues for computational biology and bioinformatics, compression applications and issues for the internet, compression applications and issues for mobile computing, applications of compression to file distribution and software updates, applications of compression to file storage and backup systems, applications of compression to data mining, applications of compression to image retrieval, applications of compression and information theory to human-computer interaction (HCI), compression standards (including the HEVC, JPEG, MPEG,, and families), compressed sensing / compressive sampling, and the use of techniques from information theory and data compression in networking, communications, and storage of large data sets.

"A Partial Hstry of Losy Compression"
Robert M. Gray
Professor Emeritus, Stanford University
"It's Been 1,000,000 Years Since Huffman"
Alistair Moffat
Professor, The University of Melbourne


In addition to general sessions addressing the theme described above, DCC 2015 seeks submissions for these special sessions:
"Extensions to the HEVC Standard"
Giovanni Motta, Yan Ye, Gary J. Sullivan, and Gene Wen,
Session Co-Chairs
"Data Compression for Networked Performances and Immersive Presence"
Jan Ostergaard,
Session Chair
"Visual Search"
Bernd Girod, Vijay Chandrasekhar, and Yuriy Reznik,
Session Co-Chairs

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