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ACA 2013 : Call for Papers - 19th. IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace


When Sep 2, 2013 - Sep 6, 2013
Where Würzburg, Germany
Submission Deadline Jan 31, 2013
Notification Due Apr 30, 2013
Final Version Due May 31, 2013
Categories    automatic control   aerospace

Call For Papers

The Conference

Focusing on aerospace applications, the symposium will cover all aspects of dynamics, navigation, guidance and control in astronautics and aeronautics, ranging from theoretical studies to industrial applications.
It will include navigation, guidance and control of aircrafts, helicopters, missiles, satellites and probes, ELV and RLV launchers. Autonomous, intelligent, unmanned and networked are key words for rapidly evolving fields of aerospace systems. Particularly, cooperative/ distributed control for multiple air/space vehicles including formation flight and air traffic control is a hot topic. Space exploration and transportation to planets, satellites, comets, asteroids, etc., is a typical application field of automatic control.

Miniaturization progress in electronic technologies, in particular in microprocessors and sensors provides the basis to realize small satellites and micro air vehicles. Here noise effects raise specific control challenges.
Emphasis will also be placed on forthcoming trends & perspectives. Future research projects as well as lessons learned in current projects and
technologies are welcome.

This symposium also encourages students to present results of Aerospace control projects.

Draft papers, written in English, should be submitted electronically at not later than January 31, 2013. Templates and other instructions for authors can be found at the information-for-IFAC-authors page:

Important Dates

Submission of draft papers: January 31, 2013
Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2013
Submission of final paper: May 31, 2013
Symposium: September 2-6, 2013

Keynote Speakers

Space pioneers, Prof. Dr. Eveline Gottzein (formerly EADS/Astrium) and Wolfgang Wimmer (formerly ESOC) will report first hand from the exciting starting phase of European space activities and about the foundation of the IFAC TC on Aerospace.



Home page:

Submission of papers:

Instructions to authors:

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