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DySMoNet 2013 : 1st IEEE International Workshop on Dynamics in Social and Mobile Network


When Jun 3, 2013 - Jun 3, 2013
Where Milan, Italy
Abstract Registration Due Jan 31, 2013
Submission Deadline Feb 8, 2013
Notification Due Mar 6, 2013
Final Version Due Mar 13, 2013
Categories    computer science   networking   complex networks

Call For Papers

The next generation of Mobile Networks and Services have to provide ubiquitous access to requested or potentially desired contents. To accomplish this goal, both network operators and service providers need a deep understanding of the dynamics and interplays of three human characteristics: user mobility, user sociality and user interests. On the basis of this ground-truth, new technologies, heterogeneous networks, services and applications, can be efficiently designed and deployed.

Such a complex and data-rich scenario can be well described by the network science framework that admits the analysis of large-scale and connected environments. Human mobility, social dynamics at different levels and their interplay call for continuous improvement of techniques in order to capture and measure the co-evolution of the dimensions where users are embedded.

The workshop aims at answering the following questions. How does mobility relate to offline/online sociality? Are mobility patterns influenced by offline/online sociality, or vice-versa? How do contents propagate at the different levels? How do communities evolve in time and space? Answering these questions can favor the rise of a wide set of novel mobile and social applications, and be very helpful for the design of network functionalities, such as routing in mobile networks or offloading and proactive caching in cellular networks.

This workshop brings together the existing and emerging research communities focusing on topics such as mobility, offline social networks, online social networks, network science and mobile wireless networks, with the aim of building a unifying vision of human social/spatial dynamics able to drive the design of new mobile networks and applications.

List of topics

Research contributions addressing theoretical, applicative and experimental aspects of dynamics in social and mobile networking, are solicited, including:

Dynamics of networks from mobility data and offline/online social data
Dynamics of multidimensional networks from multilevel social data
Dynamics of multidimensional networks from heterogeneous data
Dynamics of space-temporal and contextual networks
Community discovery in complex networks
Complex dynamics in human mobility/sociality
Spatial and temporal patterns in mobility
Social and sustainable mobility
Correlation between social profile and mobility
Coevolution of mobility and sociality
Mobility-driven semantics in social networks
New mobile and social applications and services
Experiences of real dataset analysis
Impact of mobility on mobile content offloading and proactive caching
Socially driven data diffusion
Socially-based routing in wireless mobile networks
Applications of network science in communication networks

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