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3DV 2013 : 3DV Conference (Third Joint 3DIM/3DPVT Conference)


When Jun 29, 2013 - Jul 1, 2013
Where Seattle, Washington
Submission Deadline Mar 17, 2013

Call For Papers

We invite submissions for the 3DV (3D Vision) conference to be held June 29
- July 1, 2013 in Seattle, Washington, following CVPR in nearby Portland,
Oregon. This meeting will be a continuation of the successful 3DIM and
3DPVT conference series. Submissions are solicited on topics related to
acquiring, modeling, analyzing, and visualizing 3D data. The event will
provide a premier forum for disseminating ideas and results that cover a
broad scope of topics related to 3D research in computer vision and
graphics, from novel optical sensors, signal processing, geometric
modeling, representation, and transmission, to visualization and
interaction, and a variety of applications.

The organizers invite you to submit high quality, original full research
papers by March 17 2013.

Note that the submission date for this conference occurs during the
SIGGRAPH rebuttal period. Accommodations will be made for authors who want
to retarget their SIGGRAPH submissions for this meeting.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


* 3D cameras and sensors
* Real-time 3D systems
* Automated view planning
* 3D sensor calibration
* Image-based modeling
* Shape-from-X
* Shape and appearance modeling
* 4D capture


* Image and video-based rendering
* Interactive modeling
* Augmented and mixed reality
* 3D printing and rapid prototyping
* Psychophysics of 3D sensing


* Geometric signal processing
* Multi-resolution 3D representations
* 3D shape retrieval and recognition
* Shape analysis and morphology
* 3D compression and transmission


* Reverse engineering
* Dimensional inspection & metrology
* Cultural heritage & architecture
* Medical visualization and analysis
* Urban modeling

* Robotics
* 3D television
* 3D tele-immersion
* Forensics and security

General Chair
Brian Curless, University of Washington

Program Co-Chairs
Yasutaka Furukawa, Google Inc.
Ioannis Stamos, City University of New York
Camillo J. Taylor, University of Pennsylvania

Related Resources

3DV 2025   International Conference on 3D Vision
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IJCAI 2025   International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence
DSA 2025   The 12th International Conference on Dependability Systems and Their Applications
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IJCNN 2025   International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
IJCSEA 2025   International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications
ICoSR 2025   2025 4th International Conference on Service Robotics
JCRAI 2025   2025 5th International Joint Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
IJPLA 2025   International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications