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DataWiz 2014 : 1st International Workshop on Data Visualization - DataWiz 2014


When Sep 1, 2014 - Sep 1, 2014
Where Santiago - Chile
Submission Deadline May 23, 2014
Notification Due Jun 6, 2014
Categories    DATA VISUALIZATION   data science   data journalism

Call For Papers

1st International Workshop on Data Visualization - DataWiz 2014 (, held in conjunction with Hypertext 2014 ( in Santiago, Chile 1-4 September 2014

DataWiz aims at bringing together an interdisciplinary audience (e.g. computer and cognitive scientists, designers, data journalists), in order to discuss tools, models and metaphors useful to understand and explain input or output data through advanced graphical user interfaces. In fact, interacting with data by means of intriguing visual representations is a fundamental approach to accurately present scientific findings in an appealing way. The aim is to leave to the observer (likely an expert of the domain) the task of exploring complex phenomena, without the pain of dealing with issues such as data complexity and overload of information. This workshop focuses on both scientific and information visualization, and discussions of best practices and innovative approaches are welcome.
For full details, please visit the workshop website at

The DataWiz workshop aims to collect research papers on several topics related to data visualization as one of the fundamental aspects for the analysis and display of the collected information. We are interested in collecting novel researches focused on approaches, techniques and tools able to improve the user experience related to the interaction with data, from the information visualization point of view. The core concept of DataWiz workshop is the intrinsic connection between data visualization and data science, the study of extraction of knowledge and meaning from data.
At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop.

For full details on the submission format and procedure, please visit the workshop website at

Important dates
May 23th, 2014: Paper Submission Deadline
June 6th, 2014: Notification to Authors
September 1st, 2014: Workshop day
September 1st-4th, 2014: Hypertext 2014 conference

Organizing Committee
Martina Deplano (University of Turin,
André Panisson (ISI Foundation,
Giancarlo Ruffo (University of Turin,

For further questions please contact a member of the organizing committee.

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