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SecSE 2013 : Seventh International Workshop on Secure Software Engineering


When Sep 3, 2013 - Sep 3, 2013
Where Regensburg, Germany
Submission Deadline Mar 30, 2013
Notification Due May 7, 2013
Final Version Due Jun 1, 2013
Categories    security   software development

Call For Papers

Seventh International Workshop on Secure Software Engineering (SecSE 2013)

Regensburg, Germany, September 3, 2013
In conjunction with ARES 2013

Call for Papers

Software is about protecting information and ensuring that systems continue to
function correctly even when under malicious attack. The traditional approach
of securing a system has been to create defensive walls such as intrusion
detection systems and firewalls around it, but there are always cracks in
these walls, and thus such measures are no longer sufficient by themselves. We
need to be able to build better, more robust and more "inherently" secure
systems, and we should strive to achieve these qualities in all software
systems, not just in the ones that "obviously" need special protection.

This workshop will focus on techniques, experiences and lessons learned for
engineering secure and dependable software.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Secure architecture and design
- Security in agile software development
- Aspect-oriented software development for secure software
- Security requirements
- Risk management in software projects
- Secure implementation
- Secure deployment
- Testing for security
- Quantitative measurement of security properties
- Static and dynamic analysis for security
- Verification and assurance techniques for security properties
- Security and usability
- Design and deployment of secure services
- Secure composition and adaptation of services
- Teaching secure software development
- Lessons learned
- Experience reports on successfully attuning developers to secure software

Important Dates
- March 30, 2013: Submission Deadline
- May 7, 2013: Author Notification
- June 1, 2013: Camera Ready and Author Registration
- September 3, 2013: Workshop

Submission Guidelines
Papers have a page limit of 10 pages and must adhere to the CPS Proceedings
Manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, including figures and references,
using 10 pt fonts, and number each page). Please consult the CPS Author
Guidelines ( for more

Journal Special Issue
Distinguished papers submitted to SecSE will be invited to submit revised and
extended versions for publication in the International Journal of Secure
Software Engineering (ISSN 1947-3036).

Workshop Chairs
- Martin Gilje Jaatun, SINTEF ICT, Norway
- Lillian Røstad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
- Riccardo Scandariato, KU Leuven, Belgium

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