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INTETAIN 2015 : th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment


Conference Series : Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment
When Jun 10, 2015 - Jun 12, 2015
Where Turin, Italy
Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2015
Notification Due Apr 15, 2015
Final Version Due Apr 30, 2015
Categories    computer graphics   human-computer interaction   entertainment   multimedia

Call For Papers

INTETAIN 2015 - 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment

June 10-12, 2015 - Turin, Italy


Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2015
Notification of review results: 15 April 2015
Upload of camera-ready: 30 April 2015
Conference start-end: 10-12 June 2015


Human-Computer Interaction for Entertainment

HCI studies aim to plan, design and implement new forms of interaction between people and computers. As HCI involves machines and humans both computer sciences (computer graphics, operating systems, programming languages, etc.) and social sciences (human factors, cognitive psychology, ergonomics, etc.) are relevant. Moreover, when these disciplines are considered together to foster the development of (digital) entertainment contents, new attractive challenges need to be faced by researchers and practitioners. New intriguing research areas can arise from the application of new interaction paradigms to the entertainment industry. As a matter of example, touch and multi-touch interfaces can be considered. They have really shacked up the way people interact with mobile devices, thus also changing the concept of entertainment for this type of devices.

The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INTETAIN 2015) will address all the issues concerning relationships between human-computer interaction and entertainment. The objective of the conference is to attract high state-of-art contributions that address the broad challenges faced in using innovative and interactive technologies/tools in order to create entertainment contents. The goal is to explore and discuss innovative studies, technologies and applications aimed to propose new interface paradigms.

In addition to the traditional submission categories, the conference welcomes research in progress, case studies, practical demonstrations and workshops. Original contributions describing unpublished work not currently under review by any other journal, magazine, conference, special issue, etc. are solicited. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality, significance and quality of contribution.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Animation and Virtual Characters (virtual puppetry)
- Multimodal, affective, brain, holographic, adaptive, vocal, tangible, haptic and gestural interfaces
- Human-music interaction
- Intelligent, interactive and emerging games
- Entertainment and education (edutainment)
- Technologies for interactive: TV, Social Networks, Story Telling, Cinema, Art, etc.
- Collaborative virtual, augmented and mixed environments
- Interface design and assessment
- Entertainment and mobile devices
- Tele-presence in entertainment
- Interactive Museum Guides and City and Tourism Explorers Assistants
- Computer Graphics & Multimedia
- Sensors for entertainment
- Applications and case studies
- Highlights

The conference will feature a Special Session on "Sensors for Entertainment", which will aim at attracting research works addressing the broad challenges that are faced in the development of sensor-based solutions in the field of entertainment. Proposals for other Special Sessions are welcome (see below).


All presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be submitted for archiving and indexing. The organizers reserve the right to exclude from the proceedings papers accepted but not presented at the conference. Selected papers will be considered for possible publication in the EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies and in the following Special Issues:

- Sensors for entertainment, Sensors - MDPI (JCR2013, Impact Factor 2.048)

- INTETAIN 2015, Entertainment Computing - Elsevier


Submissions categories include full papers, short papers, posters, exhibits and demos. All contributions will be handled electronically. Please visit the conference submission page for detailed requirements and procedures.


Proposals for workshops that focus on the conference topics are solicited. Two page proposals, including name and bio of organizers, should be submitted to the Workshops Chair at Proposals will be evaluated based on the expertise and experience of the organizers and the relevance and importance of the subject. Please refer to the Call for Workshops for details.


Proposals for Special Sessions to be organized during the conference are welcome. Two page proposals with names and bio of organizers, description of topic and list of intended contributors should be submitted to the Special Sessions Chair at Proposals will be evaluated based on the expertise and experience of the organizers and the relevance and importance of the subject. Please refer to Call for Special Sessions for details.


EAI ( is a membership-driven, grassroots ecosystem of leading ICT organizations and individuals focused on facilitating and advancing innovation in Europe. It operates through a variety of member-volunteer bodies that participate in both physical and virtual engagement around the ideas and ervices that will drive Europe’s ambitious innovation agenda.

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