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ST6 SALENTO AVR 2016 : Special Track on Natural Interfaces for Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality


When Jun 15, 2016 - Jun 18, 2016
Where Otranto (Lecce, Italy)
Submission Deadline Feb 21, 2016
Notification Due Mar 21, 2016
Final Version Due Mar 31, 2016
Categories    natural interfaces   human-computer interaction   virtual reality   augmented reality

Call For Papers


Special Track on “Natural Interfaces for Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality"

3rd Int. Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics
Otranto (Lecce, Italy) - June 15-18, 2016


Submission: February 21, 2016
Notification: March 21, 2015
Camera-ready: March 31, 2016


Recent years have been characterized by enormous developments regarding technology for virtual, augmented and mixed reality, with an ever larger number of big IT players, from Apple, to Google, Microsoft and Samsung, to name a few, entering or strengthening their position in the market. It is not difficult to foresee a further explosion of opportunities for such solutions in the near future, with the creation of ever more powerful devices, sophisticated applications and a greater expansion of related technologies at the consumer level.
Despite such potential, work is still needed to allow users to interact with the myriad of content options in a natural way given all the usage scenarios envisaged for the considered technologies. In fact, although tangible, haptic, tactile, visual as well as gesture-, speech- and biosignal-based interfaces, among others, have been examined already in a number of situations, there is not a technology or method that has emerged yet as the ultimate interaction solution applicable, for instance, in immersive environments, with mobile and wearable devices, in industrial settings, etc.
The objective of this Special Track is to collect high quality full and short (poster) papers addressing all the research areas pertaining natural Human-Computer Interaction with virtual, augmented and mixed reality contents, with a focus on (though not necessarily limited to) the following topics:


- Input devices and sensor technologies
- Advanced displays
- Immersive and projected environments
- Wearable and mobile devices
- Distributed and collaborative platforms
- 3D selection, manipulation and interaction
- Locomotion and navigation
- Intelligent and multi-modal interfaces
- Perception, presence and virtual embodiment
- Teleoperation and telepresence
- Entertainment, gaming and cultural heritage
- Education and training
- Industry and workplace-oriented tools
- Health and rehabilitation
- Simulation and scientific visualization
- User studies and evaluation
- Systems, services and toolkits
- Applications


Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) edited by Springer. Submission instructions can be found at


Fabrizio Lamberti, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Gianluca Paravati, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Anthony Whitehead, Carleton University, Canada

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