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YSFNM 2013 : York Spring Festival of New Music: Music, Technology and Imagination


When May 12, 2013 - May 12, 2013
Where University of York, UK
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2013
Categories    music   electronic music   technology

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

Sunday 12 May
University of York, UK

Music, Technology and Imagination

About the Festival

The York Spring Festival is a five-day Festival focusing on new music in all of its forms, running 8th-12th May. Full details can be found on the Festival website:

Call for Papers

This is a call for papers for a session at the University of York Department of Music May 12 2013.

We invite presentations from postgraduate students of up to 20 minutes concerning the interplay of music, technology and imagination.

Music is always intertwined with the technologies used to make it: Are questions of technology more consciously explicit for practitioners working in the broader field of electronic music? Is the relation between technology and composer/performer different in electronic music different to other kinds of music? Or should electronics be viewed as an extension of instrumental traditions? Is technology just a means to realize already imagined ideas, or do new inventions expand what it is possible to imagine? Do we need new technologies in order to imagine new things? Is technological development necessarily progressive? Or can its overemphasis limit creativity?

We welcome submissions that frame existing and emerging research to explore the interaction between creativity and technology in the past and present.

We also have a call for works for a concert of electronic music later in the day. Presenters are welcome to submit a piece, linking to their presentation or otherwise.

Presenters from all disciplines are welcome, as well as creative artists and practitioners who engage in the creation of electronic music.

Please submit the following information:

• Name
• Contact email address
• Institution affiliation
• Paper title
• 250 word abstract
• Technical requirements

Please send all the above information by 15th March 2013

Please email with your submissions in an attached document, or to ask any questions.

Electronic submission is encouraged but physical submissions can be sent to the following address:

York Spring Festival of New Music
Department of Music
University of York
YO10 5DD

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