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AAAI 2014 : 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Conference Series : National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
When |
Jul 27, 2014 - Jul 31, 2014
Where |
Québec City, Canada |
Abstract Registration Due |
Jan 31, 2014
Submission Deadline |
Feb 4, 2014
Notification Due |
Apr 7, 2014
Final Version Due |
Apr 22, 2014
Call For Papers
Timetable for Authors
December 6, 2013 – January 31, 2014: Authors register on the AAAI web site
January 31, 2014: Electronic abstracts due
February 4, 2014: Electronic papers due
March 18 – March 22, 2014: Author feedback about initial reviews
April 7, 2014: Notification of acceptance or rejection
April 22, 2014: Camera-ready copy due at AAAI office
AAAI-14 is the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI). The purpose of this conference is to promote research in AI and scientific exchange among AI researchers, practitioners, scientists, and engineers in affiliated disciplines. AAAI-14 will have multiple technical tracks, student abstracts, poster sessions, invited speakers, and exhibit programs, all selected according to the highest reviewing standards. AAAI-14 welcomes submissions on mainstream AI topics as well as novel crosscutting work in related areas. Topics include but are not limited to the following:
AI and the Web
Cognitive Systems
Computational Sustainability and AI
Constraints and Satisfiability
Game Playing and Interactive Entertainment
Heuristic Search
Human-Computer Collaboration
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Machine Learning
Multiagent Systems
Multidisciplinary Topics
Natural-Language Processing
Planning and Scheduling
Reasoning Under Uncertainty
Robotics and Vision
Papers that extend the state of the art, and explore parts of the design space of AI that are not well-explored, are particularly encouraged.
Special Tracks
For the last few years, AAAI has included several special paper tracks on focused topics to increase participation in areas of new challenges to the AI community or special areas of interest. In 2013, these tracks were Artificial Intelligence and the Web, Cognitive Systems, Computational Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics. The purpose of these special tracks was to ensure that papers related to these areas were reviewed according to appropriate criteria by reviewers with appropriate backgrounds. AAAI-14 includes these tracks, but due to their increasing visibility has folded them into the main conference track as top-level keywords, with special attention to ensuring proper representation of these areas on the program committee. Submissions that mark these keywords will again be reviewed according to appropriate criteria and by appropriate reviewers.