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PerPart 2013 : 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Participation


When Jun 30, 2013 - Jun 30, 2013
Where Munich, Germany
Submission Deadline Apr 25, 2013
Notification Due May 9, 2013
Final Version Due May 23, 2013
Categories    pervasive computing   mobile interfaces   social studies   citizen participation

Call For Papers

CfP: PerPart 2013 - International Workshop on Pervasive Participation
- in conjunction with Communities & Technologies 2013
- June 30th, Munich, Germany
- April 9th, submissions due

-------------------- Summary and Theme --------------------

Governments around the world are trying to improve methods how to integrate citizens in the public decision making processes. They aim to introduce new methods to broaden the scope of involved citizens as well as to encourage those previously less eager to participate, such as younger generations. Easy and attractive to use mobile applications (user-friendly apps) making use of up-to-date technical devices can help achieve these aims. In governing urban development, participation has been long encouraged and organized especially related to urban planning. Especially in that field, the penetration of mobile devices with their manifold features to interact with real-world surroundings provides new opportunities to collect citizen input directly from particular sites and on the go. The technology enables for instance location-based polls with maps, pictures and augmented reality applications to represent and visualize issues on portable devices for people to react and comment when they
are momentarily on those sites. However, the majority of available traditional applications do not exploit this potential by far.

The 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Participation (PerPart 2013) seeks to discuss the various requirements, opportunities, challenges and impact of novel concepts for advanced citizen e-participation based on the pervasive computing paradigm utilizing latest mobile technology such as feature-rich smartphones and appliances embedded in today's technically enriched urban surroundings such as public interactive displays. PerPart aims to survey and discuss the current state of research as well as to create an extensive outlook on relevant research issues. Thus, we plan to examine Pervasive Participation from various angles and to uncover the interdisciplinary challenges of creating feasible, efficient, and user-accepted Pervasive Participation methods ranging from technological foundations and enablers over societal conditions to democratic innovations.

-------------------- Topics of Interest --------------------

To address these goals, we invite contributions on topics including but not limited to

- Surveys of existing (mobile) e-participation applications
- Case studies and real-world experiences reporting about (mobile) e-participation projects
- Novel pervasive and mobile e-participation applications
- Innovative user interfaces and interaction techniques facilitating Pervasive Participation
- Exploitation of social media platforms for citizen e-participation
- Approaches to attract and encourage different citizen groups to take part in decision-making processes
- Privacy and security issues in mobile e-participation
- Integration of Pervasive Participation in traditional decision-making processes
- Democratic innovations enabling Pervasive Participation
- Methodologies for evaluating novel forms of citizen e-participation or assessing their impact
- Experiences from planning, conducting, and evaluating field trials and living labs in the fields of citizen e-participation

-------------------- Submission --------------------

Workshop candidates are invited to submit position papers (1-4 pages) in the ACM format by April 9th, 2013 via the Easychair system:

The template can be found at The program committee will select a maximum of 20 authors to participate, based on the quality and relevance of their submitted position papers.

-------------------- Important Dates --------------------

- Deadline for workshop papers: April, 9th, 2013
- Workshop paper notification: April, 23rd, 2013
- Camera Ready: May, 23rd, 2013
- Workshop: June, 30th, 2013, Munich, Germany

-------------------- Organizing Committee --------------------

- Matthias Baldauf, FTW Telecommunications Research Center Vienna [main contact:]
- Sampo Ruoppila, University of Turku
- Joachim Åström, Örebro University

-------------------- Program Committee --------------------

- Florian Alt, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Peter Fröhlich, FTW Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria
- Sarah Gallacher, Intel Collaborative Research Institute, United Kingdom
- Mikael Granberg, Karstad University, Sweden
- Vili Lehdonvirta, University of Turku, Finland
- Peter Parycek, Centre for E-Governance, Danube University Krems, Austria
- Thomas Sedelius, Dalarna University, Sweden
- Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
- Katarzyna Wac, University of Geneva, Switzerland

For further information please visit

Related Resources

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