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INTERSPEECH 2010 : International Conference on Spoken Language Processing


Conference Series : Conference of the International Speech Communication Association
When Sep 26, 2010 - Sep 30, 2010
Where Makuhari, Japan
Abstract Registration Due Jul 28, 2010
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2010
Notification Due Jul 2, 2010
Final Version Due Jul 9, 2010
Categories    speech   NLP   signal processing

Call For Papers

INTERSPEECH is the world's largest and most comprehensive conference on issues surrounding the science and technology of spoken language processing both in humans and in machines.

It is our great pleasure to host INTERSPEECH 2010 in Japan, the birthplace of ICSLP, which has held two ICSLPs, in Kobe and Yokohama, in the past.

The theme of INTERSPEECH 2010 is "Spoken Language Processing for All Ages, Health Conditions, Native Languages and Environments". INTERSPEECH 2010 emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach covering all aspects of speech science and technology spanning the basic theories to applications. Besides regular oral and poster sessions, plenary talks by internationally renowned experts, tutorials, exhibits, and special sessions are planned.

We invite you to submit original papers in any related area, including but not limited to:

* Human speech production
* Human speech and sound perception
* Linguistics, phonology and phonetics
* Discourse and dialogue
* Prosody (e.g. production, perception, prosodic structure, modeling)
* Paralinguistic and nonlinguistic cues (e.g. emotion and expression)
* Physiology and pathology of spoken language
* Spoken language acquisition, development and learning
* Speech and other modalities (e.g. facial expression, gesture)


* Speech analysis and representation
* Speech segmentation
* Audio segmentation and classification
* Speaker turn detection
* Speech enhancement
* Speech coding and transmission
* Voice conversion
* Speech synthesis and spoken language generation
* Automatic speech recognition
* Spoken language understanding
* Language and dialect identification
* Cross-lingual and multi-lingual speech processing
* Multimodal/multimedia signal processing (including sign languages)
* Speaker characterization and recognition
* Signal processing for music and song
* Spoken language technology for prosthesis, rehabilitation, wellness and welfare


* Spoken dialogue systems
* Systems for information extraction/retrieval
* Systems for spoken language translation
* Applications for aged and handicapped persons
* Applications for learning and education
* Other applications


* Spoken language resources and annotation
* Evaluation and standardization of spoken language systems

Inquiries regarding paper submissions should be directed via email to

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