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(ISDE’14) 2015 : Special Issue - Computer Standards & Interfaces (Elsevier)


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Apr 14, 2015
Notification Due Sep 30, 2015
Categories    software engineering   information system   global software development   distributed software developme

Call For Papers

The distributed development of information systems as well as their deployment and operation in distributed environments impose new challenges for software organizations and can lead to business advantages. In distributed environments, business units collaborate across time zones, organizational boundaries, work cultures and geographical distances, something that ultimately has led to an increasing diversification and growing complexity of cooperation among units. The real-world practice of developing, deployment and operation of information systems in globally distributed projects has been viewed from various perspectives, though technical and engineering in conjunction with managerial and organizational viewpoints have dominated the researcher’s attention so far. Successful participation in distributed environments, however, is ultimately a matter of the participants understanding and exploiting the particularities of their respective local contexts at specific points in time and exploring practical solutions through the local resources available.


Suggested topics that this workshop will endeavor to address include, but are not limited to, the following:

Distributed development of information systems
Software engineering methodologies and processes for distributed development of information systems
Feature selection for distributed information systems
Evolution of distributed information systems
Ecosystems for distributed information systems
Agile methods for distributed development of information systems
Continuous integration and deployment of distributed information systems
Development of information systems in the cloud
Information system architectures suited for distributed development
Organizational and business views
Strategic issues in distributed development of information system
Management of risks
Knowledge transfer, knowledge management strategies and informal sharing in distributed development of information systems
Cognitive issues in distributed development of information systems, their deployment and operation
Empirical evaluations of effectiveness of distributed information systems projects
Infrastructure required for distributed information systems
Methods and tools for distributed information systems: requirements engineering, architecture, design, coding, verification, testing and maintenance
Quality, process and configuration management for distributed information systems


Full Paper Submission Deadline: March 31, 2015

Acceptance Notification: September 30, 2015


Papers submitted to this special issue must be original and must not be under consideration for publication in any other journal, conference, or workshop. This special issue is an open one. The main target audience will be the papers accepted for the Fifth Information System in Distributed Environment (ISDE 2014). Extended versions of the papers must contain significant amount of new material such as new experiments, results, and related work.

All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression. Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal’s Author Guidelines, which are located at

Please select “ISDE 2014” when reaching the “Article Type” step in the submission process.


Alok Mishra
Atilim University, Turkey

Jürgen Münch
University of Helsinki, Finland

Casper Lassenius
Aalto University, Finland

Deepti Mishra
Atilim University, Turkey

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