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CLAW 2015 : IEEE 1st International Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud Computing


When Mar 9, 2015 - Mar 13, 2015
Where Tempe, AZ
Submission Deadline Dec 7, 2015
Categories    computer science   law   cloud computing   internet

Call For Papers


CLaw: IEEE 1st International Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud Computing

in conjunction with IC2E 2015: IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering
9-13 March 2015


*** This workshop brings together legal and technical practitioners to explore technical solutions to legal problems, and to provide a legal framework for new emerging patterns in cloud computing. ***


The rapid emergence and uptake of cloud computing services brings a number of legal concerns. Existing (and proposed) regulatory and governance regimes place obligations on those who manage (process, use and collect) data. The end-users of applications provisioned in the cloud also have certain rights that must be respected: tenants and cloud providers bear various degrees of responsibility, which must be properly managed. From a technical perspective, these issues concern the capacity for management: the mechanisms that enable control and compliance within cloud services.

While cloud computing has been a revolution in IT provisioning, concerns of interaction with law and policy are now gaining prominence. Recent discussion has concerned issues of locality, including where data physically resides and/or is processed (regional clouds), and the services/information available within a locale (such as the "right to be forgotten"). Further, despite the surge toward the cloud in many commercial contexts, some sectors are hesitant in adopting cloud services due to a mismatch between the legal environment and the technology. Such issues will adversely impact new directions such as the green cloud or incorporating the Internet of Things (IoT) through "Fog".

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

* Privacy and security in cloud services
* Application of cloud computing in regulated sectors
* Encryption, security and responsibility
* Audit and proof of compliance
* Regional cloud initiatives (e.g. EU-only cloud), and other data geographical location concerns
* Internet of Things: threats, legal and compliance concerns of 'fog' computing.
* Crime, malware and spam proliferation within cloud computing
* Compatibility issues between regulation and technical reality
* Technical enforcement of legal regulations
* The right to be forgotten

Important Dates:

* Paper submission: 7 December 2014
* Author notification: TBC (Mid Jan 2015)
* Final camera ready: TBC (Late Jan 2015)
* Workshop date: TBC (9 or 13 March 2015)


We invite authors to submit papers relating legal and technical aspects of cloud computing. Application-specific papers are welcome (healthcare, IoT, etc). Fully implemented and evaluated systems are not essential. Ideally, the output of this first workshop on legal and technical issues will influence both regulators and service providers.

Submissions must be in electronic format submitted through this EasyChair link: Papers should not exceed 6 pages in IEEE format (single-spaced 2-column text using 10-point size type on A4 paper, templates available). Submissions will be peer reviewed, and for each accepted paper, at least one author is required to register and present the paper at the workshop. All accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore.


* Jean Bacon (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge)
* Christopher Millard (Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London)
* Jatinder Singh (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge)

Programme committee:

* Ian Brown (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford)
* Jon Crowcroft (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge)
* Andreas Ebert (Microsoft)
* Lilian Edwards (Law School, Strathclyde University)
* David Eyers (Dept of Computer Science, University of Otago)
* Hamed Haddadi (Qatar Computing Research Centre)
* Woody Hartzog (Cumberland School of Law, Samford University)
* Tristan Henderson (School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews)
* Anil Madhavapeddy (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge)
* Chris Marsden (Law School, University of Sussex)
* Anna Perini (ICT-Irst, FBK)
* Peter Pietzuch (Department of Computing, Imperial College London)
* Julia Powles (Law Faculty, University of Cambridge)
* Ian Walden (Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London)

(If interested in joining the PC, please contact)




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