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AMMCS-CAIMS 2015 : Final Call: The 2015 AMMCS-CAIMS Congress, Waterloo, Canada (Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science)


When Jun 7, 2015 - Jun 12, 2015
Where Waterloo, Canada
Submission Deadline Mar 13, 2015
Categories    modeling   applied mathematics   computational science   engineering

Call For Papers

This is the final call for abstract submission to the 2015 AMMCS-
CAIMS Congress with the deadline of March 13th, 2015. It is a
major international event in Applied Mathematics, Modeling and
Computational Science with several embedded meetings.

The 2015 AMMCS-CAIMS Congress will take place in Waterloo, Canada,
June 7-12, 2015 ( You can
submit your abstract by going directly to the submission page at

The Congress features twelve world distinguished plenary speakers,
semi-plenary speakers, over 40 special and contributed sessions,
minisymposia, and scientific themes. Plenary speakers at the
Congress include R. Albert (Penn State), T. Bielecki (Illinois
Institute of Technology), C. Budd (University of Bath), Wing Kam
Liu (Northwestern University), S. Mallat (Ecole Normale
Superieure), K. Oosterlee (Delft University of Technology and
CWI), S. Schreiber (University of California, Davis), E. Vanden-
Eijnden (Courant Institute, New York University), Y. Yi
(University of Alberta), N. Zabaras (University of Warwick).

Refereed proceedings papers will be published by Springer. Several
Prizes for students and young researchers will be awarded at the
Congress, including the Kolmogorov-Wiener Prize. Travel
scholarships for students are available on a competitive basis.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Waterloo this June. The
website of the Congress is at

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