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SESE 2014 : The 1st South European Systems Engineering Tour


When Sep 1, 2014 - Sep 3, 2014
Where Zurich, Paris and Madrid
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2014
Notification Due Jun 15, 2014
Categories    software engineering   systems engineering   knowledge-reuse

Call For Papers

Call for Presenters

An event sponsored by the Swiss, French and Spanish chapters of INCOSE to be held in a 3 stop locations.

The 1st South European Systems Engineering Tour (2014) is looking for high level proposals for topics and speakers. To ensure a high quality program we are looking for proposals for topics and speakers, the objective is to create a program that contains a balanced mix of talks addressing both general and local systems engineering challenges. The tour is not focused on any particular industry domain, rather the idea is to create a forum where Systems Engineers from different domains can meet and learn from each other.

For the event we are looking for:

-Tour speakers: As a tour speaker you will have a 50 minute slot for delivering your talk at each of the venues. I.e., a tour speaker is expected to deliver the talks at all four stops at the tour. The topic of this kind of talk should be of interest to the audience of all four venues.

-Local speaker: As a local speaker you can propose a shorter talk which will only be delivered at the venue of your choice. The topic may have a local or general interest.

Proposals for talks shall include a title, short abstract (max 500 words) and a short bio of the presenter.

Proposals for talks must fill the information required in the next template.


We do not plan to force the topics (there is an open call for presenters on going) but it would be interesting to talk about:

-Systems Engineering in general
-Systems Thinking
-Requirements Engineering
-Model Based Systems Engineering
and other modern topics such as:

-Ontology supported Systems Engineering
-Requirements Quality management
-Tools Interoperability

However, whatever interesting topic will be accepted.


In case of selected as a tour speaker, you would get funded the hotel in the 3 cities and travel from Switzerland to France and from France to Spain. However, it would be your own expense to travel from your home city to the Swiss presentation venue as well as from Madrid to your home.


Submit your proposals via EasyChair:;key=9220416.zJ0gSxcxyha2Aobc

Information on how to obtain a EasyChair account is available at the referenced page.

-Deadline for submission is June 1st, 2014.
-Acceptance notification will be sent out by June 15th, 2014.
-Zurich event on the September 1st, 2014.
-Paris event on the September 2nd, 2014.
-Madrid event on the September 3rd, 2014.

Proposals will be evaluated by the organizing committee. Please note that the tour language is English.

The basic principle is that each speaker shall cover his own expenses during the tour, but the organizers can subsidize speakers on a case by case basis. Prospective speakers shall in their proposals indicate whether they request a support as a condition for participation in the tour.


Don't hesitate to contact the organizers if there are any questions regarding the CFP at

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