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Time and IR 2014 : Special issue on Time and Information Retrieval


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Sep 8, 2014
Notification Due Dec 2, 2014
Final Version Due Jan 30, 2015
Categories    information retrieval   time

Call For Papers


A special issue of Information Processing and Management

We invite submissions for a special issue of Information Processing and Management on “Time and Information Retrieval”.

===== Motivation =====

With the rapid growth of digitised document resources, both on and off the web, and increased variety in types of document collections, future search systems will face growing difficulties in providing reliable, useful, and timely results. The web already archives a lot of content; organizing and searching by time will only become more critical as we move forward.

This issue aims to explore opportunities and novel research on the intersection of time and information retrieval. Unlike existing work that focuses exclusively on the interesting problems related to adding time to established methods of information retrieval (such as, e.g., how to incorporate temporal relevance in ranking of retrieved results), we aim to stimulate discussion on new or powerful uses of temporality in all kinds of information systems.

===== Scope & Topics of Interest =====

We are particularly interested in work that describes novel advances on the intersection of temporality and IR. For example, work that goes deeper than metadata-level time (e.g. document creation timestamp), or that does temporal analysis of document collections for, e.g., event identification, tracking and prediction, or that works on temporal-based relevancy.

We especially welcome papers on the following topics:

* Time as a dimension of relevance
- Time-aware ranking models
- Opinion tracking
- Media temporal similarity (e.g. text, video)
- Longitudinal analysis
- Document and sub-document timestamping
* Time as context
- Time-sensitive search
- Searching for temporal bounds
- Future Information Retrieval
* Time as a query topic
- Event-oriented Search
- Temporal web image and video retrieval
- Temporal clustering
- Collective memory and web archiving
- Cross-temporal information retrieval
* General issues
- In-document temporality
- Temporal query understanding
- Temporal indexing
- Evaluation metrics for temporal IR

===== Important dates =====

CFP: April 7, 2014
Manuscript due date: September 8th 2014
Acceptance Notification Date: December 2nd 2014
Final Manuscript Due Date: Jan 30th, 2015 (for all revisions)
Publication date: Spring 2015

Substantial, creative, articles are welcomed, according to the journal format. After submission, we envisage a smooth and on-time progression through review and toward publication of this special issue.

Contributions must not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere, although substantial extensions of conference or workshop papers will be considered. All submissions should be prepared according to the Guide for Authors at
Submissions should be made through EES at

===== Guest Editors =====

Leon Derczynski, University of Sheffield
Jannik Strötgen, Heidelberg University
Ricardo Campos, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar / LIAAD–INESC TEC
Omar Alonso, Microsoft Corporation

Primary contact:

===== Note on open access policy =====

Posting of author accepted manuscripts IS PERMITTED on author websites, uploaded to arXiv, etc., as stated in the publisher’s open access policies. See also:

Related Resources

ISORC 2025   International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing
NLDB 2025   The 30th International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems
ITISE 2025   International conference on Time Series and Forecasting
CRBL 2025   5th International Conference on Cryptography and Blockchain
Intelligent Computing-Based Time Series 2025   Intelligent Computing: Special Issue: Intelligent Computing-Based Time Series Analysis for Cybersecurity
TPDL 2025   29th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries
NLDM 2025   5th International Conference on NLP & Data Mining
RTNS 2025   33rd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems
LSIJ 2025   Life Sciences: an International Journal
DIKW 2025   The 5th IEEE International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom