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SELFTRUST 2009 : SELFTRUST: The 1st International Workshop of Trust in self-adaptive and autonomic systems


When Nov 15, 2009 - Nov 20, 2009
Where Athens, Greece
Abstract Registration Due Aug 12, 2009
Submission Deadline Jul 10, 2009
Notification Due Jul 25, 2009
Final Version Due Aug 17, 2009
Categories    trust   self-adaptation   privacy/security   web 2.0

Call For Papers

Today digital world appears as a multitude of self-organizing entities that interact trough collaboration and negotiations. Examples include web 2.0 applications such as forums, blogs, business digital eco-systems, p2p systems, ad-hoc networks. The lack of centralized authority forces cooperations with unknown and potentially harmful entities, that represents a threats for any adaptive systems working in an open and collaborative environment. Trust appears a key-component for a successful adaptation. By assessing the trustworthiness of potential partners and the environments, as well as risk and threads, adaptation and self-organizations is more reliable and effective. The last decade has seen the emerging of computational systems based on the human notion of trust, in several applications.

Trust can support adaptation in the selections of resources, altering of useless, not pertinent or even malicious entities: it can make adaptation safer, more focused. Trust reduces the complexity of the environment and by selecting only trustworthy entities, adaptation complexity is reduced and made safer.

The workshop focuses on complementary related to trust, such as privacy treatment, security and personalization as necessary component for building a consistent adaptation. This workshop will bring together researchers and experts from different communities (Autonomics systems, Information Systems, Web Services, information Retrieval, HCI) interested in topics like trust, provenance, privacy, security, reputation and spam, in order to address current challenges of their adaptive application to distributed environments such as the Web. The workshop will deliver a state-of-the-art overview, successful research advances in the area as well as guidelines for future research.

Trust models for adaptive systems
Trust models for self-organizing and autonomics systems
Agent-based trust models for cooperation
Privacy and Security in self-organizing and adaptive systems
Human and social factors involved in trust and adaptation
Applications of trust and security on adaptive systems, with a focus on web-based applications, social networks, social search
Trust models for self-organizing systems of information (wikis, forums, blogs.)
Trust and personalisation for enabling adaptation
Models for learning trust and the evolution of trust
Decentralised trust models
Case studies
Theoretical trust models for self-adaptation

Related Resources

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